Chapter 4

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Setting: Ephedian Meeting Room

"I am not allowing merchants in Casa Luxo.", Victor stated, much to the dismay of the Ephedian rulers. Three days had already passed, and nothing seemed to budge the young Emperor. The Emperor had lost almost all of his initial popularity and admiration, and the things they admired about him became his flaws. His regality came off as emotionless stoicism, his cold charm turned into an inability to cooperate and his habit of thinking before doing anything turned into extreme paranoia.

"Just why? That land doesn't even belong to another one of your royal families, you won't have to answer to them.", one of the queens asked. "We allowed merchants in Kelasar, look what happened to it.", he said, directly looking into the Queen's eyes. "Do you expect an invasion from us?", the Queen asked. "Casa Luxo is rich in exil metal and calburn crystals. Something, Ephedia's industry relies a lot on. It would be crazy If I didn't consider it.", he stated. Amara only looked at him exasperatedly, her admiration for him had melted as the negotiations continued.

"You are mistaken if Ephedia would launch an invasion just like that. The Kelasarians were tired citizens who were sick of Othrera's incompetent administration and tyranny. No wonder, they willingly surrendered to Ephedians, they seemed like angels compared to the current administration.", Amara said, she could see a flash of shock and disappointment on the Emperor's face and a look of pride and approval on her mother's. The Emperor didn't say a word and in an unexpected move, just stormed out of the meeting room.

The other rulers just gaped at his retreating figure. Pax, the poor ten-year-old, apologised for his brother's behaviour before running before him. He was teary-eyed and Amara felt sorry for the poor boy. "We have to persuade the boy somehow, we can't complete the negotiations if he doesn't agree.", Queen Laina said. "How? He doesn't want to listen to any of us.", Kiara, the Crown Princess of Borealis cried. "There has to be someone he doesn't hate.", someone said. "Let's send Amara.", Lillian, the Crown Princess of Volta suggested. "Why me?", Amara asked.

"I think you have the best chance to convince the Emperor. You're the only ruler he doesn't insult when talking. You have the best persuasion skills than the rest of us and you're Kelasarian, so the Emperor might go easy on you.", she explained. The rulers considered the explanation and decided to send Amara to convince the Emperor.

Although a bit reluctant, Amara decided to accept the job. How could she not when everyone was counting on her, plus she might even meet her mother's approval.


"If you don't mind me asking, where is your brother?", Amara asked a tired-looking Pax and a worried Rex. "In the library.", Pax mumbled. "Thank you.", she wished the both of them before dashing towards the library.

I hope this is over quickly, she thought to herself and opened the library door.

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