Chapter 9

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Setting: Xerin Palace

"Who is it from?", Amara asked the messenger.

"The Kelasarian Council, Your Highness.", he answered, handing her the letter.

She examined the letter closely, it had the Council's seal. Violet with a symbol of a red spider lily, their official seal. It had to be serious if they had sent a letter using the official seal, something that could affect Kelasar as a whole.

"Thank you for the letter.", she told the messenger and walked into her room to read the letter. Amara ripped open the seal and read the letter. I wonder if it's from my father, she thought.

To the Crown Princess,

Due to Royal Protocol, the Council requires your presence at Kelasar. We expect you there by the day after tomorrow. We apologise for such short notice but this is a matter of emergency. Negotiations will begin a day after your arrival.

The matter is about the fate of five criminals, all of whom are charged with treason. Their fate is in the hands of the monarch, namely you.


Lord Agrippa Avalos

Governor of Kelasar

The fate of criminals with treason? , Amara sighed. It's not like it was anything new there, she thought. She wondered what this was about.

"What was that about?", Izira asked gesturing to the letter.

"I have to be at Kelasar at day after tomorrow to decide the fate of some criminals.", she answered.

"What crime are they charged with?"


"That makes it your third treason case, right.", Izira asked.

"Fourth, actually.", Amara confirmed. That should be an alarming number of cases against any ruler, but with the way Kelasar was governed, Amara didn't blame them.

Kelasar was the land of continuous revolts to the Ephedians and none of the treason cases against her tarnished her reputation among the royals. Maybe because she didn't have much of a reputation among them, maybe because they didn't care about the Kelasarians. Whatever it was, it was certain that the royals are not going to care about Kelasar.


Setting: Palace of Kelasar, Amara's chamber

"When are the negotiations taking place tomorrow.", Amara asked her father. He had to visit Amara and fill her in on the details.

"Ten'o clock in the morning.", he answered.

"What is this one about?", she asked.

"The usual, Dear. Mobbing of public places, riots, vandalism of council members' homes except for mine. This time, they tore down your grandmother's statue at the Council building.", he said.

"I was wondering why I didn't see it passing by the Council Building.", she said, "Now, what for?"

"Representation of people of Otheran origin in their councils. An accurate magic detection system. Protection against police brutality. Lifting the ban on Spiritual magic in schools. The usual.", he sighed.

"Why don't we implement them.", she asked.

"I try but it always gets shut down by the Council.", Aluxio sighed and so did Amara.

"I suppose they are going to crush the rebellion like usual and make no changes.", she sighed.

"Knowing them, they probably will.", he answered."Sometimes, I wish I had the power to bypass laws without council approval, especially if implementing said rules could lessen revolts."

"I wouldn't be surprised if the Council Building is burnt one day. If that's what it takes for them to listen.", Amara said

"The Council needs to be dissolved.", Aluxio said, looking directly at Amara's eyes.

"You know I can't do that, not morally, what will the others say.", Amara cried.

"Your subjects will be very happy.", he coaxed.

"I'll look like a tyrant in front of the Ephedians.", she said and her father cast a worried glance at her.

He wished his daughter would stop caring about her reputation among the royals, especially if it impacted Kelasar. He had tried to talk some sense into his daughter but to no avail. It didn't help that a voice in his head told him if they ignored their demands further, then things are going to escalate very badly.

"Trust me, things are going to get worse if they don't do anything.", he warned his only daughter. She gave him a dejected look.

"Amara, you'll have to make some sacrifices if you're going to be a ruler.", he chastised.

"I know I do, Dad.", she said with a pitiful expression. Aluxiov stopped himself from continuing his scolding for a moment.

"Can we deal with this tomorrow?", she asked, trying to bring an end to the conversation and Aluxio stopped. They could deal with this tomorrow.

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