Chapter 26

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What a nice day. Too bad I have to spend at the Ephedian Royal Council, Amara thought to herself. I just returned from Othrera the day before yesterday. Give me a break at least.

The meeting was about the Ephedian Regional and its recent advent in Othrera, which was a disaster. The one factory it had opened in Othrera was shut down by the government due to disobedience of factory regulations.

As someone who knew of the Othreran factory regulations, Amara knew that they were strict but reasonable. I hope this does not lead to a long case with Victor involved, she thought.


"I am sorry but the Ephedian Regional cannot operate in Othrera if it won't follow Othreran regulations.", the Othreran diplomat announced in the Council.

"The Ephedian Regional's conduct did not warrant a complete shutdown.", an Ephedian diplomat interjected.

"There were multiple accounts of discrimination from the employees and an inspection revealed a breach of multiple rules.", the Othreran diplomat stated, "The company is guilty of using illegal land for company activities, failing to meet safety standards, not paying the employees what they are owed and many more."

"The Ephedian Regional was not made aware of such laws."

"Every Company in Othrera is given the rulebook after registry."

Amara knew what the next argument was going to be. The Ephedian Regional had assumed that the laws would be just the same as in Ephedian if not laxer. It had assumed wrong.


"The Ephedian Regional would be allowed to start again if it follows the laws this time. Failure to do so will result in a complete ban on Othreran soil.", it was announced and so, the meeting was dismissed. I sure hope they follow the rules this time, Amara thought to herself.

I don't want to be the one negotiating the terms of lifting the ban. I'm sure I can use the blood vow as means to get out of it, she thought while getting ready to leave the Council Hall.

"What do you think of the verdict, Your Majesty?", a voice startled Amara. When we who it was, Gramorr, the highest member of the Ephedian Council. This confused Amara for Gramorr never talked to anyone other than Queen Iridessa and the other members of the Ephedian Royal Council.

"I think the verdict was just.", Amara answered, "A company must follow the laws of the place they are working at."

"That's fair. Who would have that the Othrerans would have such strict laws?", he continued. Amara really did not want to have this conversation now.

"Those laws were added recently by the current Emperor.", she started.

"I suppose these laws were taken as inspiration for the Kelasarian Business Laws.", he said.

"Yes.", Amara answered and then made up an excuse to leave the Minister. Gramorr didn't mind the fake excuse and went back to talking with Queen Iridessa. Amara could only wonder why he wanted to talk to her.


"This is a disgrace for Ephedia. Getting its only factory shut down in Othrera, how shameful.", Iridessa ranted to the Ephedian Council.

"How shameful.", Gramorr agreed.

"I suppose there is nothing we can do about it.", she muttered.

"Oh, we could. We should crack down on Othreran businesses, as a payback for this humiliation.", he suggested.

"There are barely any Othrerans in mainland Ephedian, almost all of them live in Kelasar."

"Amara is subordinate to your rulings. The Nationwide Orders cannot be refused.", he explained, "The crackdown is necessary to keep them in their place."

"They are. We shall look into it.", Iridessa started, much to the horror of Aluxio who had been near them and heard the whole thing.

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