Chapter 20

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"It was a pleasure doing business with you, Prince Cardin.", Amara said. Four days had passed since her arrival, and Amara couldn't believe that time had passed by so quickly.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you too. I hope I get to see you more in the future.", he answered with a little wink.

"I hope that too.", Amara said, visibly flustered by the prince's actions. Prince Cardin smiled at Amara before walking away to his other friends.

"Did you know he does that with everyone.", Victor told Amara. Amara hadn't noticed him walking up to her, at all. There was jealousy in his voice. "It's his way of showing friendship. Flirting.", he added.

"Are you jealous?", Amara asked Victor. She wasn't thinking when she asked the question, just blurted out the question.

"No, of course not.", he lied. Victor was very jealous. Amara had to be close to Cardin if he was already flirting with her. If only he could make friends as quickly, or at all. He only had one person he called a friend that wasn't related to him, and that was Amara.

Amara could clearly detect the lie. But she decided not to call him out on it. "Everyone seems to be chatting with their friends.", Amara said, trying to change the subject. Unbeknownst to Amara, the mention of friends worsened Victor's mood.

"You don't seem like a people-person, Your Majesty.", Amara said, "I haven't seen you talk to any of the other Othreran royals unless it's for work. It was something Amara had noticed during her visit.

She excused his strictly professional to the ruling monarchs because of the large age gap. However, the fact that he seemed to actively avoid them and their children, seemed a little peculiar.

"I'm not good at making friends.", he admitted.

"You made friends with me.", Amara answered.

"Do you really consider me a friend?" After that mess of a proposal? I mean, who even uses flowers as a way to make friends?", he ranted.

"I do admit that it was a bit formal.", Amara said, "Not in a bad way though."


Victor retreated to his room after the meeting. He wanted to jump onto his bed the moment he reached his room. But work came first, so he put his paperwork on his desk and sat there, trying to concentrate. It was to no avail, every time he tried to concentrate on his work, all he could think about was his conversation with Amara.

Did he really mess up that badly? Amara said he didn't. But who knows, maybe it was a lie. Just like most things people told him. Maybe he was just meant to be alone forever, except for the company of Pax and Rex.

Maybe that was it. If the universe wanted him to have friends, it would have given him people he could actually trust. The universe gave him Amara, but even then, could he really trust her? They had known each other for about a month. She didn't have a reason to betray him, so maybe? This loneliness is making me crazy, he thought to himself.

You know what, maybe I should take initiative and work on getting closer to Amara., he thought. Let's just hope I don't mess it up that badly.

A walk in the garden would be nice. I'll ask her later., he thought to himself and decided to start working, now that he could finally concentrate.


"Your Majesty, I didn't expect you at my door. Is anything wrong?", Amara asked the Emperor standing at her door.

"Nothing is the matter. I just wanted to see you.", he said. Amara let him inside.

"Would you like to go for a walk in the gardens tomorrow?", he asked.

"Yes, why not?"

" I will meet you here in the evening. Be ready."

"That's nice. I can't wait for tomorrow."

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