Chapter 21

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Today was perfect. The flowers were in full bloom. The evening air was cold, but not too chilly. As I said, a perfect evening.

The pair of royals were enjoying the evening, strolling in the garden.

"That's the Blue Spider Lily over there.", Victor pointed to a patch in the garden.

"You're right, it is.", Amara said, "And that's the Velveteen Rose."

"Want to see my favourite spot in the garden.", Victor asked.

"Show me.", Amara answered, and Victor lead the two of them to an obscure path. Hidden by long grass, overgrown plants and thick bushes, it felt more like a forest than a garden.

Eventually, they reached a huge metal gate. The hinges of the gate were covered in reddish-brown and vines covered its edges. It made a creaking sound when it opened. Inside, more long grass covered the thin grey-stone path.

"It wasn't like this when I was younger.", he said.

The two walked the stone path in silence until Victor reached a halt. They had stopped at a pillar of grey bricks, covered with moss, vines and flowers. Amara stepped forward to take a closer look, it was a well.

"It's a wishing well.", Victor said.

Amara went ahead and looked down the well. The water was crystal-clear and the structure didn't seem too broken. "It looks like it was abandoned only recently .", she said.

"I wouldn't say recently. My mother and I used to be its only visitors when I was younger. Now it's only me.", Victor said,

"People don't really believe in wishing wells anymore.", Amara said. The wish-fulfilling properties of wishing wells were considered mythical. "Do you believe in wishing wells?", she asked.

"No, not really.", he answered.

"Why do you visit it then?", she asked.

"Sometimes, when things seem completely hopeless. I like to come here and toss a penny in. I know it won't work but it gives me a little false hope.", he answered.

"What do you wish for?", Amara asked curiously.

"Wishes don't come true if you say them out loud.", he said.

"Wishes made on a wishing well don't come true anyway.", she said.

"I wish the world wasn't out to get me.", he answered after much hesitation. "What would you wish for?"

" I would wish for my mother to love me.", she answered truthfully. She inspected the flowers growing on the well's surface more closely. Deep blue petals, thorns on the stem and a fragrant scent. No doubt, it was the blue rose.

"I've never seen blue roses in the wild before.", she muttered.

"They're quite common at this time of the year.", he said.

"These are my favourite.", Amara said. "Can I pluck one of them?"

"You can. Just be careful with the thorns.", he warned. Almost instantly, Amara cut herself by the thorns, drawing a little blood on the palm of her hands.

"Let me see that.", he said, grabbing her injured palm. "I told you to be careful.", he scolded her lightly before healing the wound with magic. The two of them were standing close to each other. To the point where it was weird, but in a pleasant way.

"T-Thank you for healing my hand.", Amara finally said.

"I-It was no problem."

"It's getting late. I think we should go back."

"You're right, we should."

So, the pair headed back to the castle. Hand in hand, not noticing the fact that they were holding hands.

Amara of XerisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang