Chapter 19

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(AN: This is Victor's POV. Therefore, it is not part of the story Izira is telling the others.)


"Victor, people are talking about you and Amara at the dance yesterday.", Pax told his older brother.

"Let them talk. Now, shut up and let me do my work in peace.", Victor scolded.

"It's still that you didn't refuse to dance with Amara the whole time of the ball.", Pax said.

"It was her Welcoming Ball. I couldn't refuse.", Victor defended himself.

"You still refused Lady Hester at her debutante ball. You could refuse.", Pax said.

"So what if I danced with her at the Ball?", he said dismissively, clearly wanting to go back to doing his work.

"People think you hate the Othreran nobility.", Pax stated.

"They got one thing right.", Victor commented.

"They also think that you and Queen Amara are in a relationship.", Rex said innocently, prompting a scolding from Pax. Victor remembered the red rose incident and felt his cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"Look, Pax, Victor is blushing.", Rex commented on noticing his red face. Damn those five-year-olds. Pax took a look at his face and an impish little grin appeared on his face. Victor knew that grin well, very well.

"You're right, Victor is blushing. Do you know what that means.", Pax said in a sing-song voice.

"I don't know what you're trying to say.", Victor said before Rex could open his mouth. A bad move.

"Ooh, someone's in denial.", Pax teased.

"There is nothing to deny.", Victor said.

"Why are you so red then?", Pax asked and Rex watched the scene in front of him.

"It's something else.", Victor said. Another wrong move.

"What is it?", Pax smirked. Victor knew Pax wouldn't let him live it down if he knew got to know of the bouquet incident.

"Nothing you need to know. Now, get out of my room, both of you.", he said, shooing them out. The two seemed reluctant to leave the room until Pax saw Victor's grip on his ink pot and left the room with Rex in tow. Victor breathed a sigh of relief and went back to his work.


"You seemed distracted. Is anything wrong?", Victor asked Amara after the second day of conferences was over. Normally, Victor would have no mind to it but Amara's distracted aura was very apparent to Victor, who was sitting next to her.

"Nothing is wrong really. It's just that everyone's aura is so intense.", Amara answered, "Is it always this tense in here?"

"I guess it is always tense in here. You get used to it.", Victor answered nonchalantly. "The only reason their aura feels intense is because of exertion from occlumency.", he clarified.

"Occlumency, isn't that an advanced skill? How could you do it for hours continuously?", Amara asked. Her tone indicated both surprise and awe.

"You get used to it when you do it continuously. I don't even do my occlumency willingly, it's an instinct at this point.", Victor answered.

"Why do you all use occlumency so much?", Amara asked.

"You need it to survive in here.", Victor said. Amara looked like she was going to ask another why before deciding not to.

"Was it difficult to adjust to Ephedia? I'm sure the lack of aura must have been distracting.", Amara asked.

"It certainly took some time to get used to.", Victor answered.

"Yet, you were better at hiding your discomfort than I was. I wonder how you do it sometimes.", she chuckled.

"Do what?", Victor asked.

"Carry yourself so perfectly.", she said and Victor felt warm. He couldn't remember the last time someone complimented him on anything.

"I don't know, I just do.", he answered honestly.

"I wish I could too.", she said wistfully.

"That was quite a compliment.", he commented.

"I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable.", Amara apologised.

"No. It did the opposite, actually.", he said and the two stood in awkward silence for a while before Amara left saying that her father was calling her.

Victor also turned to leave only to find Pax behind him in the hallway. He had a smirk plastered on his face and Victor knew why. "You seemed to enjoy that conversation.", Pax stated.

"How much did you hear?", Victor asked.

"Not much, just the compliment about being a perfect royal.", Pax said.

"What about the compliment amuses you so much?", Victor asked.

"Nothing, I just think it is nice that the feeling is reciprocated.", he said.

"Pax, don't talk nonsense. Our relationship isn't romantic at all."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Victor sighed and dropped the matter entirely. There was no way to convince his brother otherwise. Instead, he just thought of the compliment. There were things he liked about Amara too.

The way she was so charming, so approachable, that Victor, who wouldn't speak with his fellow rulers outside of work unless necessary, easily spend hours talking with her. Something about her awoke something in him because normally Victor would always keep his distance from others. But when it came to Amara, he couldn't help himself from giving her advice.

She probably thinks I am so weird., Victor thought to himself. Who chews a person out for being weak-willed; makes an embarrassing comment on their charm speaking habit and then sends a bouquet of the wrong roses as a token of friendship. Victor. That's who.

"Just what are you doing to me, Amara?", he whispered under his breath.

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