Chapter 13

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It can't be that bad, Amara thought to herself after stepping into the Xerin palace. What's the worse that could happen, she thought, walking to her mother's chamber. She was tempted to take the long way to her mother's chamber just to delay it a little. The absolute worst she could do was to give her title of Crown Princess to Izira.

No, that would mean that Kelasar would completely slip out of her hands. The throne of Kelasar would automatically go to her father, the direct descendant of the Markovs. If Amara was kept as Crown Princess, then Kelasar would rejoin Xeris after her eventual ascension to the Xerin throne. That's it, that was all Amara had to tell her mother.

Convince her that it was all an elaborate scheme to keep them with Xeris.

There was no way that she had any conflicting loyalties with Ephedia and Kelasar. It was a win-win situation. Amara could keep her reputation among the other rulers and her people. Now, all that was left to do was to use some charm-speak. After all, a little charm-speak never hurt anyone.

She took a deep breath and knocked on her mother's door. Her mother's voice told her to come in, so Amara stepped inside, to her the sight of Queen Laina at her desk. Lips in a clear scowl and eyebrows furrowed. For a moment, all of Amara's fear came back.

"What do you have to say for yourself?", she asked. That tone was so familiar to Amara, the one she had heard countless times. "How could you just declare independence.", she said angrily, "I'm so disappointed with you." Amara flinched at the last comment.

"I had no choice.", she said, "They had destroyed half the city in just a week, I couldn't say no." Her mother just scoffed at the statement, like how she usually did when it came to Kelasarian rebellions.

"You know that Kelasar is one of the biggest producers of steel and crystals.", her mother said, "We can't afford to lose it."

"It's going to be temporary, mother.", Amara said, "I am still heir to the Xerin throne, Kelasar will come back to us eventually."

"That will take years. Kelasar being independent will have a big impact on our economy. We are truly doomed if Kelasar sells their goods to us at the same price we sell them to the rest of Ephedia. It doesn't help that Xeris isn't very rich in resources.", she said.

"I thought that we sell them at a reasonable price.", Amara said, recalling what her mother told the other rulers whenever they talked about tariffs. However, a quick look on her mother's face told her that wasn't a wise thing to say at the moment. "I'm sure Xeris can handle that. We're the second richest after Ephedia."

"Who would keep them in line, after they are independent?", Laina asked. "The Kelasarians need the Ephedians to civilise them.", she stated, "Even if it doesn't seem to be working." That was probably a reference to their crime rate.

"I would.", Amara said, pouring a little more charm speak in her voice. It seemed to be working.

"You would?", she asked.

"Of course, I would.", Amara answered.

"How will you get past the New, All-Kelasarian Council? They will remove our policies."

"Doesn't the Queen have the power to override Council rules?", Amara said. A smile formed on her mother's face.

"That's my girl.", she said. Normally, her mother would be against her going against the Council. It would be tyrannical and undemocratic but how the tables turn. Deciding that the conversation was over, Amara decided to leave the room saying that she was going to work on some documents regarding the formation and independence.

"That was easy", Amara said to herself while walking out of the room, "I just hope that I don't develop a habit of charm-speaking out of trouble."

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