Chapter 10

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Setting: Council Building

"It would be best for everyone if we just gave in to the people's demands.", Amara declared only to be met with several disagreements from the Council. The only member who didn't disagree was Aluxio, the only Council member of Othreran-origin.

"We cannot allow that, it would threaten the natural order.", a Council member said. The natural order, Ephedians first and Othrerans last. That was what they said when they banned the use of spiritual magic in public spaces and schools, claiming it to be "evil" and "uncivilised". That was what they said when they conquered Kelasar claiming to liberate them from the Othrerans.

"We all know the people won't stop fighting until they are given what they are due.", Amara tried to reason but it was to no avail. "They've already vandalised your houses.", she added. None of them budged.

"Expect worse things in the future, if you're going to continue like this.", Aluxio said, "The people are just a step away from burning down this building and your houses. A bigger riot is on the way if they don't give them their rights."

"Enough about this. Let us get back to the original matter, the fate of the five traitors.", Agrippa announced. The Council stopped their chatter. "As you know, five people: Ravis Baird, Levy Lane, Catalina Surrina, Alexi Darvey and Kay Shurrey. Amara recognised the names, she had heard her father mention them when talking about the Free Kelasar Movement.

They were the radicals who wanted Kelasar to be completely from Ephedia.

"I'd like an exact description of their misdeeds that condemns them to death.", Amara said, expecting something serious like a plot to blow up the Council Building or the Palace.

"They were caught publishing anti-Ephedian propaganda in their newspapers, rallying protests against us and finally, plotting a non-cooperation movement against us.", he said.

"Those aren't violent crimes. I hope you don't expect me to condemn them to death.", Amara exclaimed even though she knew exactly what was expected of her.

"Treason is still treason, we need to set an example.", Agrippa stated. Most people agreed with the statement.

"We all know that is not going to stop them. We can't execute them, there will be a revolt against executing five non-violent criminals. The best we can do is imprison them.", Aluxio said raising a few murmurs of agreement.

Soon, a debate about the fate of the criminals ensued and everyone turned to look at Amara, the one who had the final verdict. Everyone had their eyes on her and that scared Amara. She only had two choices, let them live or let them die; the morally right thing to do or the socially right thing to do.

She could let them live and face being thought of as a rebel sympathiser, and lose all her reputation among the other Ephedian rulers, especially her mother. It would tarnish her father's reputation, people would say that he was using his daughter to rule. Maybe, it is best to have them executed.

"I sentence all five of them to execution.", she announced. The Meeting was over and the Council approved her decision. Her father's face flashed surprise and disappointment. Amara ignored that, it was best to let them die.


Setting: Amara's chamber

"Amara, you have no idea what the people are going to do now.", Aluxio confronted her later. Amara knew this was coming.

"What's the worst they could do?"

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