Chapter 6

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Setting: Room in Ephedian palace with all the Ephedian royalty

"Two days and he still hasn't accepted. How stubborn is that man?", Serena, the Princess of Solinx said. "Amara, if he doesn't accept soon, we will have to resort to coercion.", Iridessa warned. "I'm sure I can make him accept soon.", Amara said. "It's been two days, if you can't convince him, then I don't know who can.", Iridessa said. "Just one more day, I promise.", Amara said. "Fine, we will give you one day.", Iridessa stated.


Setting: Victor's chambers

"Your Majesty, I am afraid if you don't sign this agreement today, Queen Iridessa would be forced to use coercion.", Amara warned. "Do I look like I am afraid.", he replied. "I am sure we can come to a compromise.", she said. "My answer is no, I don't want to hear it.", he said.

"I know your scepticism. You have every right to be sceptical, especially after what the Ephedian Miner did.", she explained. "You did some research, I see.", he commented. "I rewrote some laws, Your Majesty, one's that severely limit the companies' power.", she said. "Am I supposed to believe that it's going to do anything?", he said.

"Your Majesty just looks at the laws.", Amara pleaded. The Emperor took the papers from her hands and read them. The look of defensiveness and anger on his face melted a bit, but not completely. "Will you agree now? Now that I made that treaty.", she said hoping for a yes. "I would, but how are you going to pass it through the Ephedian Council? How am I supposed to know this is going to be implemented? Companies don't care about legality when they want profits.", he stated.

"Do you trust me?", Amara asked. "No.", he said, not an answer Amara was expecting.

"Excuse me?", she exclaimed.

"I am sorry but I have known you for a week."

"That's fair. I shouldn't have asked that."

"You shouldn't have."

"Anyways, what I was trying to say was- If any companies want to try and invade Casa Luxo, they will still have to obey Ephedian laws and at that time, and is, the closest Ephedian dominion will be Kelasar. The Company cannot ignore Ephedian legislations and you won't have to worry about other royals since they cannot interfere with legislation that upholds legality.", Amara explained.

"That's nice but how am I supposed to trust you? You're more allied with Ephedia than Othrera.", he asked."I promise no breach of the treaty.", she said raising an arm."Silly promises won't work on me.", he stated. "In that case, we'll make a blood vow.", she said and cut a line on the palm of her hand using a knife, she had brought with her. There was a flash of surprise on the Emperor's face and then, for the first time, Amara heard him laugh. It was a pleasant and light-hearted laugh, Amara would have enjoyed it more if her palm wasn't bleeding out and she could only heal it after the prince responded. Then, he took the knife Amara used and sliced his palm and rubbed it together with Amara's.

"I'm sorry but no one has ever tried to convince me to do anything this way.", he chuckled. "I can't say no if these are the conditions.", he added. There was some noise from the door, a gasp, possibly. "What was that?", Amara asked and both of them turned to check the door, only to find no one there.

"I look forward to working with you again, Princess.", he said when Amara left the room.

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