Chapter 7

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Setting: The Ephedian Meeting Room

"I don't think we can accept these terms.", Laina announced. "Amara, I know we told you to accept the treaty but not at this cost.", she chastised her oldest daughter. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. It's just that I didn't realise how taxing my terms were.", Amara answered. "Taxing? Unless you plan to annex Casa Luxo or commit several work code violations, these laws aren't taxing or unreasonable at all.", Victor said. People gasped, he wasn't supposed to be there, and no one had heard him enter.

"When did you come here, Your Majesty?", one of the princesses asked. "Not too long ago.", he said. "Your Majesty, why are you here?", asked someone else. "I heard that all of you were having secret meetings and you talk about me in those meetings. So, I decided to see what it was all about.", he said. "I am so glad I did.", he added, before leaving the room.


Setting: Amara's chamber

"Your Highness, The Emperor wants to see you.", a maid announced, interrupting Amara and Izira's conversation. "Let him in.", Amara said. The Emperor entered the room and apologised saying that he was sorry to intrude but he would like to talk to Amara privately. Izira left the room and Amara turned to Victor with a worried look on her face. "What is it that you want to talk about, Your Majesty?", she asked.

"Don't worry yourself too much, I am not going to talk about politics or negotiations. I would just like to know why didn't you defend yourself about the laws.", he asked and Amara was surprised, she wasn't expecting this question. She tried to answer the question before saying, "I don't understand why are you so concerned about this." Victor just sighed and said, "I find your inability to own your decisions concerning, mostly because they are good decisions.", he said. "I'm sorry but I don't understand why are you so concerned about this. Besides, that was one time.", she said, trying to get him to stop talking.

"It is not a one-time thing, you always try to compromise your policies, whenever someone scrutinises you.", he said. "That's not a bad thing.", she said. "Not when your policies are good the way they are, and the scrutiny comes from the fact that the high elite of Ephedia might not be able to continue their system of oppression.", he said. Amara said there in her seat, not speaking a word and remembering the times when the exact scenario had happened.

"I know it isn't my place to say this, but you are the ruler of Kelasar and future ruler of Xeris, and that means that you are the key to Othreran-Ephedian unity. But that's only possible if you don't compromise on decisions which can level the playing field between our kingdoms.", he continued. So that was why he was here, Amara thought. "I will, Your Majesty.", she said weakly. "I hope you do, it isn't good for a ruler to be weak-willed and submissive.", he said."Of course, Your Majesty.", she replied. "Do you mind if I say one more thing.", he asked.

"No, what is it?", she asked, puzzled. "The Ephedian Royalty can't feel it but you accidentally charm-speak a little, when you're nervous or trying very hard to convince.", he said. "I do?", she asked feeling embarrassed. "Yes, it's only a tiny amount, not enough to convince anyone. I wouldn't have even noticed if I wasn't good at occlumency or if we were among a lot of spiritual magic users.", he said. "That's embarrassing.", Amara muttered.

"I think it kind of cute, especially since you don't need that to convince me.", he chuckled and Amara has no idea how to respond to that.

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