Chapter 8

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Setting: The Emperor's chamber

"If you don't mind me asking, what did my brother ask of you?", Pax asked Amara. Pax had invited her and Izira to their chamber while wasn't being there.

"He told me to stop being weak-willed and own my decisions. I wasn't expecting the advice.", Amara answered.

"I should have expected that especially after he commented on your habit of accidental charm-speaking.", he mumbled under his breath. "Don't take his extreme criticisms to heart, Your Highness. Think of it as a weird way of expressing affection.", he told Amara.

"He didn't criticise me that harshly. He just gave me some reasonable criticism and complimented my policies.", Amara answered the Crown Prince, who seemed surprised by the answer.

"He actually complimented you. My brother really likes you much more than I thought.", he said. There was a splash of happiness in his voice. "Did he say something else?", he asked.

"He called my charm speak habit 'cute'.", Amara answered, red with embarrassment. This sparked a wave of surprise in everyone in the room, even little Rex, who suddenly started paying attention to the conversation.

"Did he really say that?", Rex asked incredulously.

"He did.", Amara answered. Amara could understand some of the surprise, Emperor Victor didn't exactly radiate warmth and his interactions with the other royals only cemented that reputation. "Why is it such a big deal to you?", she asked.

"My brother, to put it lightly, isn't the type to spout kind words on the daily. It's a rare occasion when he does genuinely compliment someone's good qualities. He rarely compliments someone's flaws.", Pax explained.

"Only me and Pax have been complimented like that.", Rex added.

"Your blood vow has managed to gain my brother's heart.", Pax said.

"What's a blood vow?", Izira asked.

"It's the vow of the highest degree. Anyone who breaks it will be cursed with death.", Pax explained.

"That explains why Mother was so mad when she found out.", Izira said. Amara flinched at the memory.

"I've never heard my brother laugh like that in a long time.", Pax said. "Not until you pulled out that knife and made a blood vow.", he continued and Izira nodded in agreement. The memory made Amara remember the gasps she had heard outside their door.

"Were you the ones outside our door?", she inquired the both of them. Both of them confirmed the accusation. Pax told her that he and Izira had made a bet about whether could Amara could convince Victor or not. Pax ended up losing ten gold coins that day.

"Is that why you asked me for ten gold coins that day?", Victor asked. The rest of the royals turned in surprise, no one had seen him enter.

"How do you keep doing that?", Amara asked.

"I have my ways.", he shrugged.

"I'm happy to announce that the alliance has been made.", Victor announced, "Which means we will be leaving the day after tomorrow."


The day after tomorrow-

Setting: Amara's chamber

It was early in the morning, just a few hours before the Emperor's departure, when she heard a knock on her door. She opened the door, only to find Emperor Victor, in all his glory, standing outside. He had a bouquet of red roses in his hands.

"I bought these as a parting gift.", he said. Amara was surprised for a moment at the gift. Red roses were a very romantic gesture.

"I didn't know you felt this way, about me.", she mustered out, "But I am sorry but I have to reject it."

Victor had a confused look on his face. "So you don't want to be friends.", he asked.

"I do. I would love to be your friend.", Amara answered. Victor looked at the bouquet and then at her, realisation dawning upon his face.

"I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding. Red roses have a different meaning here, don't they?", he asked and Amara realised it too.

"They do, they're associated with romantic love here.", she answered and both of them chuckled awkwardly.

"They mean friendship and alliance back in Othrera. Pink roses are associated with romantic love.", he said.

"Yellow is the colour of friendship here.", she said.

"Goodbye, I have to go now. Write to me, the address is in the note.", he said and left.

"I will. Goodbye.", she waved.

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