Chapter 32

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"...You'll get used to it as time goes on...", why did that sound like he had experience with things like this, Amara thought to herself. She decided not to ponder on that too much and directed her energy on deciding if she should talk to Victor now or later. Maybe later, when too many people aren't listening.

I still wonder what he meant by that.


Victor's pov-

The letter should have reached at least two hours ago, Victor thought to himself. I wonder when we will talk using the mirror. I believe she is waiting for a time when both of us can talk freely when no one can hear us, he decided. I hope it's soon.

She seemed so distressed, he thought, over something so little. I wouldn't have cared at all, he thought. How naive to be distressed over something as small as that. She doesn't have much experience in this game, so I guess I'll let it slide. There was a time when I used to feel...things. I don't remember when.

Why do I have a feeling that she's going to call in the dead of the night? Not that it's a problem.


Amara's pov-

I hope he's awake at this hour, Amara thought to herself while working her magic and fiddling with his seal.

'Concentrate and imagine the person you want to speak to.', she remembered the instruction in the spellbook. So, she imagined his short auburn hair and light grey eyes, his tall stature and steely stare. Then, she imagined his rosy cheeks and his laugh. Until she was sure the connection was made.

'Lastly, say out loud the name of the person you just imagined.', that was the final instruction. "Emperor Victor of Othrera", she spoke out loud. Blue spirals formed on the surface of the mirror. It took a few moments until Victor's face appeared in the mirror. Clear and radiant, just like how she imagined it.

"I should have set up the time for our meeting.", Victor said, "Then I wouldn't have to wait so long to see you again."

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long. I really wanted to make sure no one could eavesdrop on us.", she replied.

"You could have used a sound-proofing spell.", he suggested.

"I'm afraid I do not have enough stamina to pull that off along with a mirror call.", she explained, "You seem pretty energetic right now. Don't you feel fired?"

"Not really, I am used to being awake at this hour."

"Isn't Othrera one hour ahead of Kelasar?"

"One and a half hours, actually.", he clarified.

Amara gave him a worried glance. "You shouldn't make a habit of that."

"I tried, now my body's hardwired that way.", he shrugged.

Amara sighed, "I suppose you can't help that." The two sat in awkward silence for a while. None of them spoke a word for a few minutes before Amara asked, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. I think I just wanted to talk to you.", he answered. Amara blushed at the comment.

"Really? Was that all you wanted?", she enquired.

Victor flushed too, "I am a lonely guy. You're the only one I have."

"Don't talk like that. You'll make me blush."

"You're already red and so am I."

"Who's fault is that?"

"It's mine. I'll admit to it.", he admitted and the two laughed for a while. Enough to miss that very slight knock of wood.

"Enough now.", Amara scolded light-heartedly, "I have had enough of your sweet talk, Your Majesty. What if someone hears us?"

"So what? We haven't said anything wrong. We haven't done anything wrong", he joined in.

"You know people will assume things.", Amara explained jokingly, "There's nothing I can do about that."

"Then, let them.", he commented. Amara pretended to let out a scandalised gasp, "How insolent of you."

"It's not like anyone is listening in to us."

"They might be. Someone could be outside my door right now.", she played, "I thought someone like you would always consider that possibility."

"Why don't you check for someone outside, if you're so worried?", he suggested cheekily.

"Oh, I shall.", Amara said and got up from her bed and walked towards the bedroom door. Taking small steps. Thus, she opened the door, to one.

"I guess you're right. There's no one here after all.

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