Chapter 25

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"I feel like we will run into some problems when the Ephedian Regional will try to open its factories here.", Amara told her father after reading the Othreran Regulations for Business. "I do not want to deal with that back home."

"That would be a nightmare to deal with back in Ephedia. I don't think we can argue much about it. We signed an agreement stating that all Ephedian businesses that want to operate in Othrera will have to adhere to the laws of Othrera.", her father replied.

"Wow, these laws are strict! Much stricter than the ones in Ephedia.", Amara stated.

"These are very recent too, just about a year old.", Aluxio said, impressed by the boy king. Amara smiled at the comment.

"I think he launched like a hundred laws in a year.", Amara stated, noting all the laws in all the other fields.

"And all of them sound effective too.", Aluxio praised. "Which reminds me do we have the reports done?", he asked.

"I just need to write the conclusion of this report. That would be done by today. The ones on the education system and judicial system are done and I am halfway done with the one on political legislation.", Amara informed her father.

"That"s good. We need them done before the Leaving Ceremony, and that is just three days from now.", he said.

"Three days? It feels like yesterday when we arrived in Othrera."

"Time flies by, doesn't it?"


"Time does by when you're having fun.", Victor told Amara, "I am going to miss our work sessions." During the course, even before the poisoning incident, the two monarchs had developed a habit of doing their paperwork together in Victor's study. It started when Amara needed Victor to help her with the basics of Othreran institutions.

"I'll miss them too.", Amara replied, "I'll miss you the most." Victor blushed at the compliment.

"I'll miss you too.", he said, looking away.

"Write to me when you're there.", he requested.

"I will.", she confirmed. Then, the two of them sat there in comfortable silence. That was until Pax barged into the room.

"Victor, have you seen Rex anywhere?", Pax asked, "We were playing hide and seek and now I can't find him anywhere?"

"No, I haven't seen him anywhere. Did you check in the gardens? You know he likes to hide in the gardens.", Victor answered his brother.

"No, not yet.", he said. "I told him not to go in the gardens", he grumbled.

"I'll help you find him. Who knows where could he have decided to hide?", Victor got up from his chair. Amara followed them to help as well.


"I told you not to hide in the gardens.", Pax scolded his younger brother. "How did you even get up the tree?", he questioned. The trio finally found Rex on a high branch of a Regalia tree. It took quite a while to get Pax off the tree. Amara had to use crystalline magic to conjure a net for Rex to jump in.

"I've never seen these flowers. What are they called?", Amara asked Victor about the red and purple flowers that fell from the tree.

"They're Regalis flowers. They're in season now.", he answered picking up one from Amara's net.

"They look pretty.", Amara said.

Victor then proceeded to place one behind Amara's ear. "They look prettier on you.", he remarked.

"Don't say that.", Amara said, flustered by the compliment.

"It's true.", Victor laughed.

"Don't flirt in front of us.", Pax scolded lightly, he seemed more amused by the scene than annoyed by it. Victor and Amara just laughed at the comment.

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