Chapter 17

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"Congratulations on the win, Dad!", Amara told her father after the results were out. Her father had just been elected the new Governor of Kelasar.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you.", he answered. "Now, what do we have in plan for the First Council?", he asked.

"I'll start with re-opening the spiritual magic schools.", Amara answered.

"Isn't it a bit too early for that? We have to decide on the curriculum first. You know we can't use the same one from two hundred years ago."

"Don't worry, I have got the basics down from Emperor Victor and we've talked about inviting him and the Othreran Minister of Education here for it. All I need is the Council's approval.", she said handing him a bundle of paper.

"You seem prepared.", Aluxio chuckled.

"I got it from you.", Amara said and they both giggled.


I knew the Council would say yes. Amara scribbled into the parchment. The parchment was a letter to Victor, the Emperor of Othrera. Wait, that sounds too informal. Amara thought and changed the sentence to the council has granted us their permission.

It was strange to write to him. The Emperor had said they were friends and given her red roses as a gesture of their alliance yet everything about him felt so formal and distant. Izira had a field day teasing her when Amara finally told her of that incident. She only wondered how her father would react if she told him.

Amara remembered the time they had at her coronation. They had talked for hours yet Amara barely got to learn something new about him, except the fact that his favourite colour was red. Maybe, they were only acquaintances at best.

We look forward to seeing you here. She wrote, closing the letter. Now, I have a week to prepare for it, she thought. I can't wait.


"We are honoured to receive you here, Emperor Victor.", Amara greeted him on the day of his arrival.

"The honour is all mine, Your Majesty.", he greeted back, curtsying lightly. His brothers and the Minister, who were standing behind him, also curtsied lightly. Thus, starting the beginning of the conference.


"Your Majesty, can you come here for a moment.", Victor gestured to Amara, who was leaving the Hall. The Conference had been adjourned for that day and everyone had already left the Hall except for the two.

"Is everything alright?", Amara asked.

"Your Majesty, would you accept my invitation to visit Othrera as a diplomatic mission?", he asked, awkwardly. Amara asked him the reason for the invitation.

"You and your Council have made it clear that you wish to know more about Othreran Laws and Customs to govern Kelasar and a diplomatic visit would be perfect for that.", he explained.

"That is a good idea. I will suggest it to the Council later. Maybe at the end of your visit.", Amara confirmed.

"Your Majesty, are you still in there?", a voice called out from the doorway. It was her father who had come in here looking for her. "Emperor Victor, you are here too. What were you talking about?", he asked.

"I was suggesting a visit to Othrera for diplomatic reasons.", Victor answered.

"That's nice. Now, will both of you be kind enough to join us for dinner?", he asked. Amara and Victor got up from their seats and followed Aluxio to the dining hall. From the corner of her eyes, Amara could see Victor chatting with his brothers. She heard Rex muttering something cakes.

There was a tiny semblance of a smile on Victor's lips. It was a pity he didn't smile often, Amara thought while digging into her dinner.

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