Chapter 3

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Setting: Amara's father's house

"You're here!", Amara's father, Lord Markov greeted his only daughter. "Of course I am! It's been two weeks since I visited.", Amara said. "How is everything going on?", Markov asked. "Everything has been going fine really. I met the Othreran Emperor five days ago.", Amara answered. "You met the Othreran Emperor, how was he? It's been so long since I've heard of Othrera.", he said. "I haven't talked to him much but he seems like a nice person. He also seems like a good ruler.", Amara said.

"I've heard he's popular with his subjects, impressive considering his tenure and age.", he said. "How are things with you, Dad?", Amara asked. "Oh, they're fine. The Council gives me trouble from time to time. You know, the usual.", he chuckled, his red eyes glinting light-heartedly. "Again? Why are they bothering you this time?", she asked, concern lacing her voice. "Laws about investigating criminal cases here. You know how ineffective the Ephedian magic detection system is against spiritual magic?", he answered. "The Council's not letting you pass that?", Amara asked. "That's right.", he confirmed.

"I wish I could do something about it.", Amara said.

"You could. You are the Princess of Kelasar, they can't stop you from passing the law.", her father said.

"I could, but what would the others say if I passed the law without the approval of most of the council."

"The Kelasarians would appreciate the law. They don't like the Council anyway."

"They would but what about Mother and everyone else."

Her father sighed after hearing that."Enough about politics, how are things at home with your mother? How are Izira and Talia doing? ", he asked. "They're the same. I think she forgets I exist sometimes. Talia is fine. She doesn't cry when I hold her now. Izira is doing great at magic, she has mastered how to harness the power of the medallion.", Amara answered. "At this age? A true prodigy!", he exclaimed. "A true prodigy.", Amara muttered sadly. "Don't say that, you're exceptional too.", her father comforted, "you're just more skilled in Spiritual magic than Crystalline magic. Even then, your skill in the latter is impressive considering the fact that most spiritual magic users can't use crystalline magic.", he tried to comfort her.

"Not skilled enough for mother.", Amara muttered sadly. Her father sighed, he didn't know what was probable, Amara winning Laina's approval or Amara realising the futility of it. It's only natural for a girl to want her mother's approval. There was a time when he yearned for her affection, back when he was still married to her. That time didn't last long, they divorced when Amara was five. Normally, divorces would cause a huge scandal, but this one didn't. Maybe, the people knew this marriage was doomed from the start.

"Don't let it get to you. You are not inferior, just different.", he said. Amara just nodded in response. "How about we practice some spells. I think you have a potential for mind-related spells.", he said trying to coax his daughter. "How about you show me how to use the puppet master spell.", he said. This finally caused his only daughter to cheer up and ask who to practice it on. "Eve, can you come here for a minute.", he called out to the maid who just happened to be walking outside the room. "Just make her move limbs or something of that sort.", he whispered to his daughter.

"Master, what did you call me for?", the maid asked. "Eve, just stand here and don't move. Amara is just going to use the puppet master spell to make you move your limbs. Try to resist the spell if you can.", he said. At that sentence, Amara wordlessly manifested a few silver strings on Eve's limbs, which were tied to Amara's fingers, like a puppet. Wordlessly, the maid's arms and legs moved according to Amara's accord for some time, until, the maid started resisting. There was an attempt to burn the strings, only for them to grow stronger and turn red. A truly impressive feat, both the father and the maid thought.

No signs of over-use of spirit, perfect spirit control, the strings are also strong enough to survive burning., he noted before saying, "Try them on me now.". The red strings disintegrated and then attached themselves to Markov. "Try and make me move.", he ordered. For some time, there was no movement until finally, he walked back and forth two times. He even tried to burn the strings himself. Surprisingly, they lasted for a long time before turning into ashes. "Impressive!", he exclaimed, "The fact that you mastered this at this age. You are truly my daughter.", he exclaimed happily. "Eve, you can go now.", he told the maid. "Yes, Lord Markov.", she said after finally registering Amara's feat. "Call me Aluxio. I don't like being referred with my last name in my home.", he said.

The maid flashed a smile and left the room. Meanwhile, the father and daughter continued practising other spells. These were the days, Aluxio and Amra looked forward to the most.

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