One call, begins it all.

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I was at home playing minecraft when my best friend Sqaishey called. I stood up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen table, where my phone had been. "Hello!" I said as I picked up the phone. "Hi Amy! You wouldn't believe what just happened!" Sqaishey cheered. "What is it?" I curiously replied. "Stampy, and Squid... Invited... Me and Stay at their place... So that... We can meet in person, you know, instead of just talking to them in minecraft! Isn't that great!!!" Sqaishey told me. "No way!!! That's too good to be true! They actually want to meet us?" I questioned, while practically screaming. "Yep! And the best part is that they want us to stay for a whole month! They have a guest room with two twin beds that we can stay in!" Sqaishey informed me. "That's great! When do we leave?" "In three days! So we better get a head start on packing!" "I am so HAPPY!!!" I cheered while Sqaishey did the same. We both started squealing so loudly that my neighbours must be complaining! Once we had settled down a bit, we started talking about how much fun it was going to be and other random things, like what to pack! It was so much fun, that I didn't even want to stop! I just could not even! I've wanted this for a long time!

I just can't believe that I'm going to meet Squid and Stampy in person! We've all talked several times in minecraft, but never met each other in person.

Stampy and Squid share an apartment, while me and Sqaishey live in separate apartments, but are still best friends. The boys live around 2 hours from us, so me and Sqaishey could drive there in no time.

Once me and Sqaishey stopped talking on the phone, I immediently went up to my room. So that I could pack and tell my parents about the trip!

When I finished talking to my parents, I began packing, cause this was going to be a trip to remember! I packed some of my fanciest clothes, so that I can make a good impression on Squid!

I mean...

Squid AND Stampy...

I do mean that, right?

Why would I say that? I don't even like him, and even if I did, he wouldn't like me back. I just know it. I mean look at the facts... Squid is good looking and smart, so why would he even pay any attention to me? I'm not worthy of him...

Anyways, I packed all of the nessacary items, like my clothes, hairbrush, toothpaste, and toothbrush. I packed a jacket, and some shoes. One pair of heels and the other running shoes. What? You never know! The last items that I packed were my make-up and my hair accessories. I fit everything perfectly into one duffle bag. Which was a good thing since it was going to be easy to carry.

Then I went to sleep, dreaming of the great memories that were going to be created this month! With me, Squid, Stampy, and Sqaishey.

This is truly going to be a month to remember!

I know that for sure!

Hi!!! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I will update soon!
Oh... and if you haven't, then please make sure to go ahead and read my other book, it's called "Sqampy and the mysterious ghost!"
It isn't finished yet, I am going to be multi-tasking by writing two books at the same time, that one and this one!
Also, I hope that you guys like both books so far! i will make sure to update shortly!
So thanks so much for reading this new book!
I hope to have just as great readers for this book, as i do in the other one!!! Bye!!!

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