Couples and movies.

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The next day, me and Stampy decided to go to the movies. Even tho this was a vacation, we could use a break. I knocked on the other MAC members doors, and told them that we'd be gone, but back soon. They agreed then came the hardest one of all. Telling Squid and Sqaishey. I stood by their door, lifted up my fists, ready to knock at the door...

But I just couldn't do it...

I put down my fists and went back to mine and Stampy's room.

"So, did you tell them all?" Stampy asked me, as I walked in the door. "All except Squid and Sqaishey..." I mumbled. "That's alright. They'll figure it out themselves." Stampy assured me. "Ok. So, when are we leaving?" I asked. "We could go now if you want to." "Ok, just let me get dressed." I told him as I walked up the stairs. "I'll do the same, you go first." Stampy insisted. "Thanks." I smiled.

And with that, I made my way to where my duffel bag was. All packed. Looks like I needed to unpack, yet again.

I was going to have to do that later since we were leaving now, and Stampy's waiting for me to finish up so that he can get dressed.

So, I took out my fanciest outfit that I had brought here. It consisted of a pink ruffled shirt, along with some blue jeans and pink converse of course! I went into the bathroom and got changed. I put on some light makeup and curled my hair. After around ten minutes, I came out of the bathroom, and made my way down to Stampy. "Wow, you look amazing!" He commented on my appearance. "Thanks." I blushed. "Here, I made you some tea. I'll be right back. I'm just going to go get Changed." Stampy said as he handed me the warn cup of tea. "Thanks!" I said as I took a small sip of the tea, as it was still quite hot. Stampy headed upstairs and got changed.

Around five minutes later, he came back downstairs. He wore a dark red t-shirt with a cat on it, and dark blue jeans. He had navy blue converse on, and his hair was curly like always.

"You look great!" I told him. "Thanks. Oh and here! These are for you!" Stampy said as he pulled out some red roses from behind his back. "Thanks! When'd you get time to get these?" I laughed. "Magic!" He joked. "Oh! So now your a magician!" I burst out laughing. "Yep!" He joked.

I leaned in and pecked his cheek, as a thank you for the flowers.

"Do we have a vase?" I asked as we pulled away. "Yeah, it's in one of those cabinets." Stampy said as he pointed in the direction that the vase was located at. "Thanks." I thanked him. I headed to the cabinets and looked around them for a moment. Then, I had finally found the vase. I took it out, and poured some water in it. I put the flowers in and began admiring them, as I loved flowers, and basically anything that had to do with nature.

"I'm glad that you like them!" Stampy told me. "Thanks, cause I really do. They're just so beautiful!" "Not as beautiful as you." Stampy said as he leaned in and pecked my cheek.

"So what do you say! Ready to go?" Stampy said as he put his hand out. I took his hand into mine and spoke. "Let's go!"

With that we headed out the door. We took a taxi to the movie place and went straight in. We got the tickets for our movie and went to get some popcorn and drinks.
Once we had done that, we headed into the room that our movie was playing at. There were many people here already, and surprisingly enough, we had found the perfect seats. We sat down, and watched the previews.

A minute or two later, I heard some familiar voices. I turned around to see Squid and Sqaishey entering the room that our movie was playing at. "Stampy..." I whispered. "Yeah?" He answered, not even bothering to look. As he was too caught up in watching those movie questions they show about new, famous, and upcoming movies. "Look! It's them!" I said pointing at Squid and Sqaishey. Stampy finally turned around to notice them. "What are they doing here? Did they follow us?!?!" He shrieked. "I don't know. Let's go ask." I told him. Stampy agreed, so we made our way to them.

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