Back to normal... No, better than normal.

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We all walked into the apartment, and I immediently collapsed on the couch. It felt so good to be back! But, maybe even better! Cause this time... I'm with Squid! I can't believe that he's now my guy! I just literally can not even! It's just to good to be true!

I plopped myself on the couch, reached for the T.V remote and did some channel surfing. Five minute s later, I found a show that I liked, and started watching it.

As I was watching, Squid walked into the living room and sat beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders and watched the show with me. I could tell that e wanted to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out of his mouth. "Squid, is there something you need? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" I asked. "Uhh, yeah... I just...umm..." He glanced over to the kitchen, where Stampy was. And Stampy was apparently giving him a thumbs up, along with a grin that was on his face. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle, once I saw him.

"Stampy..." Squid whispered in a fake angry tone of voice "Yeah?" "Stop it!" Squid continued, this time not whispering. He then turned his attention back to me, while waving his hands for Stampy to leave the room.

"Sorry about that!" He apologized. "It's no problem, that was actually pretty funny!" I giggled. "Yeah, well... You know how Stampy could be!" He laughed. "And I also know how you can be!" I laughed.

"Very funny!" "Yeah! It is!" I laughed. We then began into fits of laughter! It took us nearly 3 whole minutes to stop laughing.

"So, you wanted to tell me something?" I asked. "Oh, umm yeah!" He nervously replied. "Squid, like I've mentioned before! You can tell me anything! Wait... Your not going to break up with me? Are you?" I asked sourly. "No! No, of course not! Why on earth would I do that! I've got everything I need! A great girlfriend, and great friends! A great life as a matter of fact! I wouldn't do that! I love you!" He quickly replied. "Oh, ok! Thanks!" I replied, with embarrassment written all across my face.

"Ok, well. Amy... Since you and I are now together. I was thinking, about me and you going on a date? We could go to the movies, anything really! You can pick, cause all that matters to me is that your going to be there. I just want to spend some time with you." He asked sweetly, while putting my hands into his.

"Yes! Of course I'll go on a date with you!" I replied, then kissed him on the cheek!

I can't believe this! I'm going to go on a date with the guy of my dreams! I can't even! This is going to be so much fun! Nothing is going to ruin it, and I'm going to make sure if that! It's going to be the greatest day of my life!

"Squid, mate! You finally did it! After all those days of listening to you talk about asking her out, you finally did
it!" Stampy joked as he made his way into the living room, to us. "Oh wait! I mean months! Cause before you even met her, you liked her! You liked her from just talking to her in minecraft and Skype! And don't deny it mate!" Stampy joked once again. "Oh look at who's blushing! You guys are perfect for each other!" Stampy teased once more. "Stampy! I already told you to stop it!" Squid defended. "I'm just joking!" "Still!"

Then some footsteps were heard, it was Sqaishey.

"Hi guys! What'd I miss?" Sqaishey asked. "Sqamy's going on a date!" Stampy teased, as a grin came across his face.

"Yes we are!" Squid answered as he pecked my lips once more.

"Eww! Stop it!" Stampy and Sqaishey demanded. "Oh grow up!" I said once we pulled away. "I think that we all know that, that's never going to happen!" Sqaishey teased, and we all started laughing so hard, that I even fell to the floor!

I'm so happy to have such great friends!

I'm so happy that everything is back to normal! No... I'm so happy cause everything is now even better than normal!

I have the best friends ever!

Hi!!! Waz up peoplez? So I was thinking... That I make a goal! And that goal is to, reach around 700 reads on this book! So please! I can't do it without you guys! Each and everyone of you that's reading this book, makes a difference! Every single person that reads this book, are the reasons of why I have so many readers, with a few chapters so far. So a big 'thank you' to all of you! It truly means a lot! So let's try to reach this goal soon! With that all said! Byeee!!!
~Liz. <3

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