1 week later...

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1 week later...

Squid POV
I came to visit Amy everyday at that hospital for the past week. I stayed with her, and just hoped that she would wake up soon. How could she be unconscious for this long? How?

It was that time a day when I would usually go visit her... But today, for some reason, I'm beginning to lose hope... Like she's never going to be ok, like I've gone to far and now her life is at risk... Even though it was an accident, it felt like it was all my fault. So all I could do... Is just blame myself for what happened. Cause it sure felt like it was all my fault...

"Squid!!!" Stampy yelled from downstairs. "Yea?" I yelled back. "Come down here! The phones for you!" "Ok, coming!" That's when I came downstairs and took the phone from Stampy.

Hmm... Who could it be? Stampy sounded so serious when he was talking.

"Hello? May I ask who this is?" I said right away.
"Yes, hello. I'm Amy's nurse, I've called to give you some news about her."
"News... Umm what kind of news? Good news?"
"Well I'm afraid that's not the case."
"What do you mean?" I asked as my voice began to tremble, and tears began forming in my eyes.
"Now, please calm down, we will do our best to make her better." The nurse said. "Ok, what's the news? I'm ready now..." I pleaded.
"There's a very slight chance that she's going to wake up soon... 20% out of 100%."

Then there was silence...

How? The accident wasn't even that bad, was it?

"Thank you for your time, feel free to come back to visit any time."

"Ok, thanks, bye."

Then the call ended...

Oh how I hope that Amy will wake up, and that the 20% chance will apply to her...

I can't lose hope just yet...

Can I?

Should I?

No of course not! There's still a 20% chance, that's still a lot! Right?

I won't give up on her just yet...

She'll wake up, you'll see.

Hi!!! Thanks so much for reading!! I really hope that your enjoying this book, as I enjoy writing it! Bye!

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