Three Days Later...

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Squid POV
Today was the day that Amy and Sqaishey were coming to visit. I can't wait to meet them! I owe it all to Stampy! He was the one to suggest this brilliant idea! So he called Sqaishey, and told her to tell Amy, they both agreed to come in three days, and that three days... Is today!

They were coming today! Lithuania so exciting! I've wanted to meet Amy in person, ever since we've all started talking in minecraft!

I mean...

I can't wait to meet Amy AND Sqaishey...

Why would I even say that? I can't like her! I haven't even met her yet! What's gotten into me? Maybe if I meet her, then I could like her...


She's way to pretty for me...

Why would such a great girl like her, like a guy like me?

It's not possible...

Or maybe it is... Stop it Squid! You haven't even met the girl yet!

"Oh look who's daydreaming now!" Stampy said as he walked down the stairs towards me. I guess that I didn't hear him, cause he started snapping his fingers in my face...

"Huh? What? Oh Stampy! Hi!" I said, trying to sound like nothing just happened. "You were daydreaming about Amy again, weren't you..." Stampy snickered. "No! Im just..." I thought for a moment, when something came to me... "I'm just tired! That's all." I said, then faked a yawn, to make my story a bit believable. "Your tired of waiting for Amy to arrive that's what your tired off!" Stampy joked once again. "And what about you, huh? I woke up in the middle of the night, went downstairs to get some water, and overheard you talking... Sleeptalking that is." "I don't sleeptalk!" Stampy fought back. "And do you wanna know what you were saying! You were talking about how pretty Sqaishey is!" I laughed. "Not cool mate!" Stampy laughed along.

We both then began into fits of laughter!

After we had settled down, we ate breakfast, we each had pancakes with syrup and strawberries and orange juice! It was delicious!

"Well, I guess that we should get ready for when the girls arrive. We're meeting them at the front door of our/this apartment." Stampy informed me. "Yeah, your right! You would want to make yourself presentable, for you know who! Sqaishey!" I laughed once more. "And you should do the same for Amy!" He said back at me.

We were such great friends! Always laughing! And joking around!

The girls should be here at 1:30pm, which gives us exactly 3 hours to get ready. Me and Stampy decided to cook us all lunch, which would consist of chicken, rice, and fish. We would have multiple drinks layer out on the table, such as water, and Juice. I got started on the lunch, while Stampy took a shower and got dressed. When he finished with that, I went into the shower, and got dressed. The food had been finished at exactly 1:10pm, and we were all dressed! Now all we have to Do, is wait for the girls to come. We headed out to the front of the building, and sat on the benches near it, until we saw two familiar faces...

It was Amy and Sqaishey!

They were here!

"Hi, girls!" I said. Not taking my eyes away from Amy. She was gorgeous! She's the most prettiest girl that I have ever later my eyes on. I could tell that we were meant to be, well at least that's what I hoped...

This was going to be a great day! And so is the rest of this month, and all because I'm going to spend it with her!

And Sqaishey and Stampy...

I could tell that Stampy felt the same way, but with Sqaishey. As he never looked away from he once.

Me and Sqasishey had already packed our things in advance. We got dressed and ate breakfast, then decided to leave a bit earlier. We were around 10 minutes earlier, but I'm sure that the boys wouldn't mind. It was a 2 hour drive to there place, and we were now on our way.

"I'll drive!" I squealed in excitement. "Ok!" Sqaishey replied. We both got into my car and made our way to our destination! "So... Ate you excited to meet Squid?" "Yeah... And Stampy too!" I squealed as a small blush rose up my cheeks, when she mentioned Squid of course! "And what about you? Are you excited to meet Stampy?" I asked, while letting out a small giggle. "Yes, of course I am! I mean... To meet them both!" She fought back. "Yeah nice save! I know that you like Stampy! Ohh... And your ship name could be "Sqampy!" I snickered. "And yours and Squid's could be "Sqamy!" She giggled back, as we both began blushing to the point where our faces were a bright red color.


2 hours later...

"We're here!" I yawned, as this was, in my opinion, a long car trip. We both got out of the car, and made our ways to the entrance of there apartment. That's when I spotted the most cutest guy ever...

A cute, blond, minecrafter...

It wad Squid!

Right beside him was A guy with curly hair...


I knew that Sqaishey had spotted them as well. We didn't even have to tell each other, we just glanced toward each other, and ran to the guys, while wheeling our bags behind us.

"Hi girls!" Squid said facing us. "Hi!" I said as I pulled both Squid and Stampy in a hug, Sqaishey did the same, and then we all did a group hug! With the four of us!

I noticed that Sqaishey just wouldn't take her eyes of off Stampy, she seemed to notice that it was the same for me, but with Squid. But the boys, they, luckily, didn't notice at all! At least thats what we thought!

"Here, let me take your bag." Squid asked me. "Oh you don't have to! I'm fine." I replied. "Don't worry! I insist on it!" He laughed as I agreed and let him take my bag for me, Stampy took Sqaishey's as well.
We made our way to there apartment, I could tell that this was going to be a month to remember! I know that it will be!

Hi!!! I'm so glad that I've already gotten so many great comments and readers on this book! I want to give YayBooksYay, GEMS_2003, and softlocket33, shoutouts, because they always comment on my books and I am really thankful for that! So thanks so much you guys! Anyways, thank so much for reading! Bye!!!

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