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The next day...


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through the window. The sun was shining right in my face, and that's when I remembered that today was the day that me and Squid would have our first date. We haven't decided where we'd be going, but Squid said that he has an idea, an idea that'll be a surprise for me. All he told me was that I should dress fancy! I can't wait! This is going to be the best day ever!

Five minutes later, I was still laying down in my bed daydreaming about what a great time we're going to have. I just can't wait! And that's when Sqaishey woke up. "Morning!" Sqaishey yawned. "Good morning!" I replied. "So, you excited for today?" Sqaishey giggled. "I'm more than excited, I'm..." I thought for a moment. "Extra excited!" I laughed. "Yeah, I could tell!" Sqaishey joked. "So, what are you going to wear? Can I please help you pick your outfit?" Sqaishey asked me. "I thought you'd never ask!" I joked. "Thanks!" She said. "Let's get dressed for the day, and we'll have until 6:00pm to get me all ready! Cause that's when we're leaving. I can't wait!" I informed Sqaishey. "It's like you read my mind! I was actually going to ask you what time your leaving at!" Sqaishey giggled. "Wow! That's such a coincidence!" I replied.

Once we finished getting dressed, we made our way down to the kitchen, to see Squid and Stampy already awake, making pancakes!

"Hello, my little mermaid and Stampy's ducky!" Squid joked about Stanpy and Sqaishey, and they both began to blush. I went over to Squid and offered to help make the pancakes.

Once the pancakes were finished, we put some berries on top of them. And began to eat


Time skip to after they finish eating.


"Thanks for the delicious breakfast!" I thanked everyone. "Your welcome!" Stampy answered, and so did everyone else. "So, I was thinking that me and Amy go shopping today! So that we can get her an outfit for your date!" Sqaishey told the boys. "Yeah sure! Just make sure to be here at 6:00pm, cause that's when we're leaving." "We will!" I answered. "So Squid, how about I help you get ready as well!" Stampy asked. "Thanks mate!" Squid answered.

And with that we were off in seperate directions. The boys headed to their stores, and we headed to ours.


We finally found a really fancy store, and decided to take a look at what's inside. I tryed on several dresses, but none of them fit right. There was one that was too tight, another was too big, the third one didn't look to good in me personally, but then Sqaishey caught my attention.

She was holding up a dark blue, knee lenigh dress, that had sparkles on where the collar is. It had really cute ruffles on the bottom and I knew that, that was the dress I was going to get. But first I had to try it on. I went into the changeroom that I was in before, and put on the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and it looked magnificent! It fit perfectly, not to big and not to small. The colour looked amazing on me, and I knew that this was the dress we've been looking for. It's absolutely perfect.

I came out if the changeroom to show Sqaishey how the dress looked on me.

"Amy! You look outstanding! That's the perfect dress!" Sqaishey commented. "Thanks, should I get this one? I really like it!" I replied while spinning around in the dress so that Sqaishey could see the back of it.

"Definitely!" Sqaishey said. And with that, I changed back into my regular outfit, payed for the dress, and we left. "Do you need some shoes? Or do you already have some?" Sqaishey asked. "I have some, I'm pretty sure I packed my best heels, and the best part is that they match this dress!" I told her. "Great! So let's go back to the apartment so that we can do your hair, makeup, and so that you can put on your outfit. We have around 2 and a half hours to get ready, so we have plenty of time." Sqaishey said while checking her watch. "Ok, but before we do that... i was thinking of getting Squid a gift." I told her. "Ok, what do you want to get him?"She asked me. "I was thinking of getting him headphones. I know that he's been wanting some new ones for a while." I answered. "Alright then, let's go!" Sqaishey cheered.

We went into a store that sells headphones and I got Squid blue headphones, cause i know that's his favorite color. I know that he'll love this gift, he's been telling me about how badly he'd wanted new ones. I just cant wait to give them to him. I just wanna see his reaction so badly. I cant wait! Once I payed for the headphones, we headed back to the apartment.

When we got back to the apartment, I took out the key Squid gave me and opened the door. The boys were no where to be seen, so we went upstairs and started getting me all ready. I wrapped the headphones and Sqaishey helped me get ready. This was going to be so much fun! I just know it!

Squid POV

Me and Stampy went to our stores while the girls went to there's. I gave Amy my key so that if they get back before us, they will be able to get inside. I was going to have to use Stampy's key today. We went to a mall, and looked around for any store that sells any suits. We took around half an hour to find this really fancy, store. Me and Stampy went inside and looked around for a nice new suit, as I don't have one. My old one got to small on me, so this was the perfect chance to get a new one. We found this really nice suit, and decided that I should try it on, it was a black and white suit with a navy blue tie. It also came with dress shoes, which was perfect. I tryed it on, and if I must say, it looked really good on me. I really liked it, so I decided to show Stampy. I came out of the changeroom to show Stampy the suit, and he said that it was the perfect one, that Amy was going to love it. I completely agreed, so I went back into the changeroom, and I changed back into my regular clothing. I payed for the suit, and we went out off the store.

"So, I was thinking of getting Amy some sort of a gift." I told Stampy, as we walked around in the mall. "Ok, what do you want to get her?" He asked me. "I don't know, but I was thinking a necklace, or a bracket. You know, jewelry." I replied. "Ok, oh here's a jewelry store, let's go see what they have." Stampy said while waving to the store. "Ok."I simply replied while following him.

When we entered, and I immediately noticed rows and rows of jewelry. There was so much, and I had to pick just one. I just hope that i pick the perfect one for her. One that she'll definitely love.

Around ten minutes later, Stampy called me over. "Hey, Squid! I found something really nice! Come over here!" Stampy casually said. "Coming." I replied while I walked over to the row that Stampy was at. "I found the perfect girt for Amy!" Stampy said with a huge grin on his face. "Well, show me please!" "Ok! Here you go!" Stampy said as he showed me the necklace. "Wow! This is gorgeous mate! Where'd you find it?" I asked, starring at the necklace the whole time. It was absolutely amazing, just like Amy. And such an amazing person definitely deserves something spectacular! 

This is the perfect girt, I just know it.

Me and Stampy both agreed that this necklace was the perfect gift, and that I should definitely buy it for Amy. So that's what I did. I went over to the check out counter and payed for the necklace.

Once I did that, me and Stampy headed back to the apartment, so that I could get ready. The necklace was already in a nice box, so i didn't need to wrap it. I unlocked the door to hear a bunch of giggles coming from upstairs.

The girls were already home.

"Hi! We're back!" Me and Stampy screamed. "Hi!" I heard Amy and Sqaishey scream back. And I don't know if it was just me, but i'm pretty sure that I heard Amy scream back a 'I cant wait for our date!' As a reply. "How about you go get changed. It's almost time. Here, I'll take care of your gift, now go on mate!" Stampy told me. So that's what I did, I went straight up to my room, and got changed and ready. This was going to be the best date ever. I know that it will be!

I can't wait, its going to be magical!

Hi!!! Waz up peoplez? Don't you guyz love this chapter? Cause, I know that I do! I made this chapter longer than the others on purpose by the way! Yay!!! Isn't it great! Please comment your opinions on what should happen next! I would really appreciate it!  Anyways, I guess that there's nothing more to say other than... I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! Byeee!!!

~Liz. <3

Sqamy loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora