Waterparks and Dinners

327 11 1

Squid POV

Me and Amy finished changing into our swim suits, and made our way down to the entrance of the waterpark. Where we agreed to meet the others. We came down and saw that everybody was already there. "There you guys are!" Stampy said. "Yep! We're here! So let's go have some fun!" I cheered. Everyone agreed and we entered.

This waterpark was huge! It had five big and different types of watersides, a water playhouse, and a wave pool. It also had a hot tub! Boy, was this place huge! How are we ever going to pick where we'd go first? Literally... It's that big!

"Where do you guys want to go first?" I asked. "Oh! How about that green and yellow waterslide!" Sqaishey answered while pointing in it's direction. "Sure!" Amy agreed. "Let's go!" Netty and Tomohawk added. "How about you guys? Cause, I agree." I asked Stampy, Lee, Rosie, and Finball. They all looked at each other and smiled. "Let's go!" They all answered at the exact same time. "Ok then!" I said as we walked in that waterslides direction. There were watertubes that you needed to use to go on the waterslides. There was a two person one, and single ones. "So, who's going with who?" Rosie asked. "How about me and Sqaishey, Squid and Amy, Netty and Tomohawk. So basically all the couples go together. And Rosie, Finball, and Lee, are you guys fine going alone?" Stampy asked. "Yeah, that's good!" They answered. "Sounds good!" I answered as I grabbed a two person water tube for me and Amy.

That's when we went into the line up. And surprisingly... the line up went by pretty quickly. At least to me it did.

We all went down the slide and then decided to go to the wave pool.

I walked behind Amy, then once we came to the wave pool...

"Jump!" I yelled while pushing her into the water. "Squid!!!" She laughed as she came up from the water and pushed her hair away from her face. "You are so going to get it!" She joked. "Oh yeah! What are you even going to do!" I laughed histarically. "This!" She giggled as a huge wave came our way. She swam under the water, then came up behind me. Little did I know that she was there. She hopped onto my back and with her hands, splashed some water in my face. "Amy! Stop! Please! I've learned my lesson now!"I laughed. "Ok! but I'm still staying on your back!" She giggled. "Not for long!" I chuckled as I dove under the water. She was still on my back, and then fell off, once I came back up. "That's what you get!" I burst out laughing as she rose from the water and pulled her hair back. "And this is what you get!" She laughed as she splashed some water at me.

We began to have a small water fight, as we just splashed around.

The others soon joined in and we kept up the water fight for at least another half hour! It was so much fun!

We then went on some other slides and into the hot tub.

"I'm getting a bit tired and hungry. Should we go get some dinner now?" Amy asked us. "Yeah, and now that I'm thinking about it... I am pretty hungry." Lee replied. We all agreed to getting dinner, at the resorts buffet. But first we had to go back to our hotel room, to get dry and change.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to when they are at the dinner place.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We all met up at the buffets entrance, and waited in line to get seated.

"Please follow me to your table." The waiter told us around five minutes later, as it was our turn to get seated. We followed him to the table and sat down. I sat beside Amy, but before I sat down myself, I pulled Amy's chair out for her and let her sit down. "Thank you Squid!" She thanked me. "No problem." I replied.

"So, should we go get our food!" I asked the others. All of them turned to me, and just starred. "What?" I laughed. "Of course we want to get our food! Just let us get comfertable! We just got here!" Stampy burst out laughing. "Sorry!" I answered as I rose my hands up in surrender. "Ok-ok! Now let's go get our food! I bet Squid's happy to hear that!" Sqaishey said about three minutes later.

"hey-" I began but was interrupted by Finball. "Let's just go!" He laughed. Everyone agreed and we all made our way to the buffet.

"There are so many chooses! How do I chose!" Amy laughed as she took her hands into mine. "Don't ask me! Cause I have no idea!" I laughed. "No worries! I'll manage!" She giggled. After around five minutes of circling around the whole buffet, I finally decided what I was going to have. Steak, potatoes, and water. Amy took potatoes, garden salad, and water as well. "Well, I guess that we're done here! Let's go back!" I told Amy. "Yep!" She agreed as we made our way back to the table to see everyone already there.

"Hi! We're back!" I announced. "Good for you mate!" Stampy laughed. "Yeah! It is!" I laughed once more. Me and Amy sat down and began to eat with the rest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to when they finish eating~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Desert anyone!" Rosie laughed. "Count us in!" Everyone else cheered. We all started rushing for the desert. There was so much to chose from. There was a chocolate fountain, marshmellows, candy, ice cream with multiple toppings, cookies, and basically anything else you could think of! They had it here! I immediently started with getting some vanilla ice cream and putting on all the toppings that could fit. "What are you doing! Your plate is over-filling!" Amy laughed. "That's the point!" I joked. Once we all got our desserts, we went back to our table and finished eating it.

Once we were finshed, we all payed for our meals and left.

"Let's all go to sleep. I'm exausted." Netty yawned. "Me too." Rosie added. We all agreed, and made our way back up to our rooms.

Once me and Amy came back to our room, we immediently fell fast asleep. Today was a busy day, yet really fun at the same time. This vacation just started and I'm already having a great time!

Hi!!! I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! :) I pre-wrote the next chapter and let me tell you guys that you are going to love it! The suspense will be sooo real! Lol! So, I guess that's all there is to say for today! Byeee!!!


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