Hearing everything...

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I heard the hospital door open and a few familiar voices... It sounded like Stampy, Sqaishey... And Squid...

I'd just realized that it was his fault... That I'm unconscious right now... And it's all his fault, cause he was the one driving the car.

I heard someone run over to me, then pull me into a hug. I could tell by how his arms felt around mine, that it was Squid... He kept on telling me how sorry he was and that it was all his fault... I couldn't help but feel sorry for him...

Cause I heard every single word that he said to me in that car, it's just to bad that he had to tell me... That he liked me... When I got hurt...

I wanted to answer him so badly at that time, I wanted to tell him that I felt the same way about him... But as much as I tried... I couldn't. I felt the exact same way about him, I loved him... But couldn't tell him that.

That's when a nurse spoke. She told my friends that I was going to be unconscious for quite a while, that I got hit really badly. How did all of this just happen?

"Squ-S-Squi-d-d-d..." I managed to say... But that was all that I could say... I fell back to being unconscious... And fell into a deep sleep... I could no longer hear anything... And still not see anything... At least I got to say something, and that something was the most greatest persons name ever... Squid.

That's when everything went black... Yet again...

And this time...

I couldn't hear a thing...

And I couldn't see a thing...

I couldn't move a muscle in my body, as much as I tryed, I just couldn't...

And I had a feeling that I wasn't going to do any of these things again for a very long time...

All because I was unconscious...

Squid POV
She needs to be able to hear me, what if she didn't hear anything that I said and won't wake up anytime soon... She'll never forgive me, she'll never like me... I lost all the chances of that one, and her mind about me is probably changed for the worse...

She's never going to like me back...

And I guess that I'm just going to have to accept that...

But I can't...

And I wouldn't...

I'll do whatever it takes for her to forgive me... And to start to like me back...

I won't give up on her...

I'll come visit her everyday that she's in this hospital, I'll wait here for her to wake up... No matter how long of a time it takes.I'll do anything.

And I'll start right now...

"Come on Squid, it's time to go. We'll come back tomorrow." Stampy assured me. "No, I'll stay here with her... You guys go ahead." I told them. "Wait, how are we even going to get home, your car got towed away." Stampy remembered. "I guess we'll have to walk..." I told them. "Ok, so are you coming with?" "No, I'll stay." "Ok, see you later." "Bye!" Sqaishey said. "Bye you guys!" I waved to them.

Once they were gone, I just sat right beside Amy, the whole time. I just starred at her beautiful eyes, which were closed, but still beautiful... I even fell asleep on one of the arm chairs, and stayed like that the whole night.

Hi!!! I really hope that you liked this chapter! Please comment some things that you would like to happen in some of the future chapters! I would really appreciate it! Thanks! Bye!!!

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