Back from the boat ride

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Squid POV

Lee just asked Rosie to be his girlfriend, and she said yes. We laughed and talked then started up the boat again. We took many pictures but my favourite was the one with me and Amy together.

Gosh was she beautiful...

I want her in my life so badly...

Not in a friend type of way...

Or a girlfriend type of way...

I was ready for something more...

I just hope that she feels the same way when I tell her.

I know that I want this and nothing's going to stop me from doing it...

I just hope that she feels the same way...

Please tell me that she'll feel the same way...



I was sitting beside Sqaishey on the boat, and when I looked back, I noticed that Squid was lost in his thoughts....

"You ok?" I asked, as I fully turned around to face him. "Squid!" I tried again. "Huh? Oh, Amy! Sorry about that. What's up?" He quickly replied. "It's nothing much. Just that you seem worried about something, what is it?" I curiously asked him. "Uh... It's nothing." He told me.

Yeah right...

I saw the look on his face...

Why won't he just tell me what's going on?

"Squid... You know that you can tell me anything right? I'll always be their to support you, you just have to tell me what's going on." I told him. "I know that... And trust me, if there was anything that I could tell you, I would. But there's nothing really to say. I'm just thinking things through..." He replied. "Oh, ok." I simply answered as I headed back to my seat, and the boat went faster.

What was he thinking about?

Wait... He said that he can't tell me... Does that mean that he's thinking of... Breaking up with me? But we just got back together... How could he? It doesn't make any sense...

I'm probably just getting paranoid...

He's probably thinking about something else, and when he's ready to tell me, I'm sure he will...

I'm just overthinking things...

He loves me, and I love him.

I'm probably wrong.

He would never do that...

I'm sure that it's something else, and when he's ready to tell me what it is, he will...


Once we got off the boat, we went straight back to the resort. "Anyone else up to eat?" Stampy asked. "Oh yeah! I'm starving!" Netty laughed. "Me too!" Tomohawk agreed. Everyone else agreed, so we decided to meet at the resorts buffet in half an hour.

When me and Squid were in our room, he acted as if nothing happened. And all I could do was the same.

But seriously...

Why wouldn't he just tell me what was going on?

He seemed really worried, and seeing him worried was just the same as being worried myself.

I love him so much, and I just want to help him...

Maybe he'll tell me during the dinner.

Only time could tell...

But I sure hope that he will.

Hi! I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter as I really enjoyed writing it! I've got some really big events planned for the next couple of chapters so be prepared! Lol! Idek! Ok, so what do you guys think Squid was talking about? And thinking about? He didn't really say exactly what he wanted, so what do you guys think? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Amy seems really worried about him, do you guys think that Squid would tell her what's going on during the dinner, or not?

Ok, so I guess that, that's all there is to say! Byeee!!!


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