A sequel! :)

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Hi guys! It's me Liz! I'm here to say that, that was the end of this book, but don't worry! There will be a sequel! It's called "A wonderful life- The sequel to Sqamy love." Thanks so much to all my fantastic readers! I hope that you guys enjoyed this book, and I hope that you guys will enjoy the sequel! It's basically going to be about how Squid and Amy get married and - wait, I don't want to spoil it for you guys, so I'm not going to say anymore! Yes, it will be an emotional roller coaster, just like this one was, but hopefully for the good! Lol! I guess that's all there is too say! Thx so much to everyone! I really appreciate all of your support on this book! I hope to see each and everyone of you guys in the sequel! I couldn't have done it without you! Every single comment and vote that you guys posted, it brought joy to me that you guys like this book! It literally means a lot and I feel so grateful that I have such great readers! Thanks to each and every one of you guys! I hope to see you guys in the sequel! It'll be out shortly! Love ya! Byeee!!!

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