Get used to it

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As soon as we got to the shop, we looked around for them. We searched for a few minutes before coming to a conclusion that they were no longer there. So we asked one of the bartenders if they have seen a blonde guy with a young brunette. "Oh ya, they left a few minutes ago actually." He said plainly before proceeding to cleaning a table. "Do you have any idea s to where they could've gone?" I asked rapidly. "Well, I did overhear the guy mentioning to the girl how he was 'planning his revenge'. Then he kissed her and took her back to one of the buildings. That's all I know." Me and Stampy looked at each other. We exchanged looks to tell each other that we were both thinking the same thing.

"If a guy takes a girl to his hotel room, it could only mean one thing..." I mumbled, but he must've over heard. "Crap. We better get there...and fast." He stated urgently before grabbing my wrist and running back to the building. I quickly followed with no hesitation.

Once we got there, we both panted for breath before running up the stairs. Once in the hallway of our floor, we sprinted to the door of what used to be my and Squid's hotel room- where we thought that Sqaishey was. I knocked on the door and it took a while before we heard footsteps getting louder and louder from inside the room. The sound of the lock turning and the door screeching open was soon heard. We looked up to see Squid standing before us in the doorway. His hair was messy and he was barefoot and topless. His friendly smile quickly turned into a nasty scowl. "What are you two doing here? Amy, if you want your stuff back, come by another time. We're busy now." He scolded.

The words 'we're' sang in my head until I had the confidence to blurt it out. "We're?" I questioned. "Babe, just tell them to leave. I want to get back to what we were doing before." We heard from inside the room. It sounded like a sweet female's voice.


"Just a minute baby." Squid looked back and said. He was smiling until he remembered that we were here. "Were you guys..." "Ya." He responded plainly with a shrug of the shoulders. "Oh my God." I mumbled. "How could you?" "Well, it's simple, really. I've always had secret feelings for her and she's had the same for me. and when we saw you two kissed," he looked at Stampy and rolled his eyes, "then we knew that you two must've felt the same feelings. So we decided that it would be ok to do this, since you two are obviously over. And as for us Amy, there is no 'us' anymore, and there never will be. There is no say in it. It is what it is, and were not changing that. Just get used to life without me, because we're done."

I snorted.

"Fine. I don't need you anyway."

"Sounds good to me."

He looked me in the eyes and I looked him in the eyes and they locked.

That's when I knew that I couldn't take it anymore. Tears stung in my eyes as I tried to look away.

This was my new life now, and I was just going to have to get used to it.

Hi! So Stamy and Squidaishey (I think that's their ship name, lol, idek!) are together. You know what they say... new couples, start new dramas! Lol! But in all seriousness, you guys gotz to deal with it! Lol... Who am I kidding? I can't even deal with this, and it's my own book!
I would also like to give a big thanks to EmilyLovesMakeup1 as she helped me write this chapter! Thanks so much for all your help! I really appreciate it, so thanks a lot! :)
Also, I have reached 2k reads on this book today! So... I would like to give a big shoutout to everyone that has read this book, commented, and voted! I couldn't have done it without you guys, so thanks so much to everyone!
K, I guess that's all there is to say! Byeee!!!

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