A day to remember

423 16 3

Squid POV
We were driving to the place that held our date. I can't wait to get there! It's going to be so much fun! First, I'm taking Amy to this really fancy restaurant, next we'll be going to The Big Ben that's here in London, and then back to the apartment! She's going to love it!
"So, where are we going?" Amy asked, eager to know. "We'll be going to 2 different places, that's all I can say." I cheered.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip to when they get to the restaurant.

"We're having dinner here?" Amy asked, with a smile in her face. "Yep, here, lets go inside!" I said as I took her hand into mine and lead her inside the restaurant. "Squid, this is amazing! Thank you so much!" She thanked me. "I would do anything for you! Oh and don't thank me yet, cause there's more!" "What more could there be? This is already so amazing, and this night only just began!" She cheered. "Again, you'll see! And trust
me, you'll love it!" "More than I love you? Cause there's nothing more that I love more than you!" She told me.

How sweet is she? I still can't believe that she's my girl!

We entered the restaurant and ordered our drinks and food. I ordered some steak (beef) and mashed potatoes, with pop. Meanwhile Amy ordered some beef ribs and rice, with pop as well. While we waited for our food, Amy tryed to guess where I was going to take her next. It was so funny, cause all the places she guessed were way off!

When we got our food and drinks, I decided to change the subject.

I took a bite of my steak and began. "Amy, you have no idea of how happy I am that your here with me. You know, anyone can make you smile, and anyone can make you cry, but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes. And to me, your that special someone!" I told her, while looking straight into her eyes. "Squid, that's so sweet! And to me, everyday that i'm with you, are the greatest days of my life! You are my favourite 'hello' and my hardest 'goodbye'. I love you so much." She answered as she held her hands in mine.

Our eyes locked and I knew that this was my chance to kiss her. After all, you can't always wait for the perfect moment, you should take any moment and make it perfect.

I sat right beside her, as I was sitting across from her, and leaned in. And before I knew it, my lips were pressed right against hers. Our lips locked just like our eyes did before. I put my hands around her waist and she put hers around my neck. Our lips pressed against one another's, and I couldn't ask for anything better, cause I already have the best.

It was perfect.

Once we both pulled apart, we starred into each others eyes once more. She was beautiful!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to when they finish eating.

We finished eating, and a waiter came up to us once again. "Hello, is there anything else you would like to order, or have you finished with your meals?" The waiter asked. "We're finished, thank you very much. May I please have the bill?" I replied. "I'm glad that you've been satisfied with your meal. I'll bring the bill right over. How would you like to pay? Cash or credit?" The waiter asked. "Credit, please." I told her, and with that she left to get us the bill.

A minute passed by, and the waiter returned with the bill. I began to pay for my, and Amy's meal, but she stopped me. "Squid, you don't have to, here, I'll pay." Amy told me. "I insist! Please." I answered as I began to swipe my credit card into the machine. "Squid..." She pleaded. "Amy..." I joked, then payed for our meals.

The waiter took the machine back, and me and Amy got ready to leave.


We were in the car, driving to 'Big Ben' but Amy still doesn't know that we're going there. She's going to be so surprised!

Five minutes into the drive, she asked yet again where we're going. And my only replied was... "Ok, I'll give you a hint... It's a surprise!" "What? That's not a hint!" She laughed. "Yeah I know, but it is the truth!" I laughed. "Alright then!" She laughed once more.

We talked and laughed for around 30 more minutes, and that's when we got to our destination. "Where are we going, that's so far away!" Amy asked. "Look up!" I told her. "What do y-" She stopped once she looked out the window, and realized what I meant. "Wow! It's magnificent! Are we going there?" "Yep!" I answered as I got out of the car and opened her door for her. She got out of the car and right away pulled me into a hug. "I've always wanted to go here! Thanks so much, you really are the best boyfriend ever!" She said as we pulled away. "Well, I'm hoping that your dreams are ready to come true! Let's go!" I cheered while taking her hand and leading her to 'Big Ben'.

We came to the top, and the view was amazing. You could see all of London from here! And since it was late in the evening, everything glowed! Making it even more beautiful. The whole city just... Shined!

Squid opened the car door for me and lead me to 'Big Ben'! I thanked him for all that he's done and we decided that we should go straight to the top, I hear the view is outstanding! Once we got up there, I realized that I was right! The view really was outstanding! You could see all of London from up here! "Squid! Look at how beautiful the view is! Everything shines, cause its late!" "I know right! I'm just... Speechless!" he replied, while a small laugh managed to escape my lips.

There were a few seats, so me and Squid sat next to each other, and admired the view. (I don't really know how it looks like on the inside, I've never been there, so let's just pretend there are seats! And if there really are seats, then Yay! I got it right! Now back to the book!) The view was just incredible! I can't believe that I'm in my dream place, with my dream guy! All of my dreams seem to be coming true! I looked over at Squid, who was already looking at me, and smiled. He smiled back and took out his phone. He took some pictures of the both of us. One of them was us making funny faces, one was us smiling at the camara, and the third was one of us hugging. I took the camara, well phone, from him and pressed my lips against his, I clicked the camara button and took a picture of us kissing. I pulled away and started to laugh. "What? What's wrong Amy? Does my breath smell bad or something?" He joked. "Oh no, it's not that! It's just that I- ok just see for yourself!" I giggled while handing the phone to him. "Ok! Maybe I will!" He joked while going through his photos. Then he stopped and laughed. "Amy! You silly girl!" He laughed. "What? It's cute!" I giggled. "I know, it's just you didn't tell me you were taking a photo, you turned the volume off! Silly, silly Amy! So we should take that photo again, and this time I'll know!" He replied. "Wow Squid! You just want to kiss me again!" I joked. "Yep! That's exactly what I want!" He answered, while a blush rose up his cheeks. "Well I guess that we both feel the same way! Here, I'll take the picture!" I replied, as I took out my phone. I got the camara ready and we pressed our lips together once more. I clicked the camara button and the picture was taken. I pulled away and showed him the picture. We both smiled and agreed that this'll be one of our greatest memories together. I had it on my phone, and he had it on his. Squid stood up, and put out his hand for me. he helped me up and he spun me around. i twirled and he then put me into a dip kiss. And if I'm not mistaken, i herd some 'aww's' being said. We leaned in and kissed, this time not worrying about pictures. I didn't want to pull away. The view was perfect and we were having a perfect time.

We pulled apart and took some pictures of us and the view! It was glorious! Words couldn't even describe what a great time I'm having!

Hi!!! I really hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Oh! And also, remember in the last couple of chapters where I wanted to reach 700 reads, well... Goal accomplished!!! Yay!!! Thank you all so much, with out you guys, this goal wouldn't have been completed! Byeee!!!
~Liz. <3

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