I can't lose hope just yet...

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Squid POV
Later that day, I went to visit Amy.
Not that I expect her to wake up, but because I hope she'll wake up. No body here understands what it's like to have someone you love, get badly injured... All because of yourself.
It was all my fault!
I was the one driving!
I should have been more careful!

Anyways, I went to her hospital room, and sat beside her. Just like I've done these past few days...

Then I heard a small whimper...

It wasn't me...

And there's no one else in the room. Except for Amy!

Was she awake!?!?

I can't believe it!

That 20% chance of waking up, worked! She woke up! I couldn't help but pull her into the most biggest hug ever!

The girl of my dreams woke up!!!


This is unreal!!!

"Amy, are you awake?" I asked.
"Uh yeah..." She replied, then turned to face me, her face automatically lit up once she saw me. Did she like me back? I hope so!

"Squid! I'm so glad to see you!" She said as she pulled me into a hug.

None of us let go, and I definitely didn't want to be the one to let go first. So we just pulled apart at the exact same time, after a minute or two. There was a silence that lasted at least a minute, of us just looking at each others eye's. Me looking into her beautiful eyes. Oh how I wanted her to be mine. Then Amy decided to ask me something.

"So, where are the others?" "I'll go call them." I said calmly, as I stood up. "No! I mean, please stay?" She asked, as she motioned for me and come sit beside her once again. "Ok, is there something you need? I'll get you anything!" I asked, and really! I would get her anything! I really do mean it! I would go to the ends of the world for her! "Well, I just wanted to tell you that I heard everything that you said to me, the night of the accident, you know... In the car." She said, while letting her voice start to trail off near the end of her sentence. Yet I heard every single word that she said.

Wow! Did she actually hear all that I said to her! How I confessed my feelings to her! This is great! It's the moment I've dreamed off since I've first met her! Well... I didn't dream that it'd be Ina hospital room, but this is still nice! I'm just happy that she woke up! What's she going to say next? Does she like me back?

"You did?" I asked as a blush rose upon my face.

"Yeah, I did. And I just wanted to tell you that I like you too. And that I feel the exact same way. You have no idea of how badly I wanted to answer you, when you told me all that stuff, I wanted to tell you that I felt the same way, you have no idea how hard I tried, I just couldn't, I was in too much pain." She finished off. This time, she began to blush.

"Yo-ou l-like m-me?" I asked, as my voice began to stutter.

"Yea-ah..." She said, as her blush spread across her face once more, making it even redder than before.

I was speechless, the girl of my dreams, just told me that she liked me back...

I couldn't think off anything to say,

So I did the unthinkable...

I leaned in, and kissed her passionately.

And the best part was that she kissed me back!

"I love you Amy, And meeting you was the most greatest thing that's happened to me. Knowing you made me realize something, that love is when the other persons happiness is more important than yours. And that's exactly how I know that your the one for me. Cause your happiness is more important to me... Amy, I ju-" She then cut me off by pressing her lips against mine. It was so magical, and as Amy would say, I loves it!

She was the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.

And I'm going to make her the happiest!

I'm going to spoil her, and  I'm going to do everything I can for her, I just can't believe that she's now my girl!

Hi!!! What's up you guys? Isn't this amazing? She finally woke up!!! And... On that same day, Sqamy became a thing! Yes!!! Ok, anyways, thanks so much for reading, I hopey you all enjoyed this chapter, as much as I enjoyed writing it! Bye!!!

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