Flights begin fights

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One month later...
Squid is the best boyfriend ever! He got all of us a nice resort in Mexico! Today was the day we board the plane. But first we have to meet up with the others. They're all coming to our place and we'll all be driving there together.

I just can't wait!

I already packed in advance and so did the others. So all we have left to do is to wait for the others to get here. "Squid! Stampy! Sqaishey! Are you all ready, they should be here in five minutes!" I yelled for them, and as an answer, I heard them all yell out a 'yes'.

Five minutes later, everyone was here. We all sat in the living room, as we had some extra time. "This is going to be so much fun!" Netty cheered. "I know right! I can't wait to get there! Oh! I wonder if the resort has a waterpark!" Sqaishey asked. "I did my research, and yes, it has a ginormous waterpark, and a buffet!" Squid answered. "Eee! I can't wait!" I squealed, along with the other girls. We all hugged and talked for a couple of minutes, then Squid announced that it was time to go.

"How about me, Squid, Tomohawk, And Rosie go in one car. While Stampy, Sqaishey, Finball, Lee, and Netty, go in the other?" I asked, as all of us wouldn't fit in one car. "Sounds good to me!" Finball replied. "Yeah! That's good!" Rosie added. "I agree!" Tomohawk exclaimed. "I'm good with that!" Lee cheered. We all agreed that would be a good seating plan, so that's what we did. Rosie drove her group, while Finball drove the other.

We passed the time by singing whenever one of our favourite songs came on, and just telling jokes. There were also a few moments when the other groups car came up right beside ours and we all just laughed through the windows!

We all blasted the radio so loudly that the other cars didn't even need there's on, they could just listen to ours from a mile away!

---------------------------------------------Time skip to when they get to the airport!

We all met up at the airport. We had to go through a lot of security. Our luggage, and ourselves. But it's worth it, cause we're going to have a great time in Mexico! We all showed the flight attendants our passports and boarded the plane. It was a large plane that could hold up to 400 people. We boarded the plane and got comfortable since this would be a long plane ride.

Me, Squid, and Lee sat in the first row.

Sqaishey, Stampy, and Rosie sat in the second row, the one behind mine.

Tomohawk, Netty, and Finball sat in the furthest row.

I looked up at Squid and he smiled. "You should get some rest, it's going to be a long plane ride." He suggested, then pecked my lips. "Aww! I always thought that you two would end up together!" Lee smirked, as me and Squid pulled away. We both started blushing like crazy once he continued. "Don't worry! I won't say anymore! Even tho I have A LOT to ask!" He laughed, while me and Squid just starred at him. "Kidding!" He quickly defended himself. "Yea! You better be!" Squid defended both me and him.
"I am!" Lee replied, and we all started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I heard Netty ask. I turned around, and answered. "It's Lee!" I laughed, barely getting the words out of my mouth. "Oh! I should've known!" She joked. "Hey! I heard that!" Lee said. "Yeah! You were suppose to!" Netty answered while a slight giggle escaped her lips. "Ooh..." Stampy joined in our conversation. "What? Sound affects make it sound cool!" Stampy laughed.

And so we talked and laughed for who knows how long!

"Amy! You look exausted, you should get some rest!" Squid informed me. "Yeah, I think I'll do that, if i dont wake up when we get there, then please wake me up?" I asked. "Of course!" Squid laughed. "Thanks, good night Squiddy!" I said as I drifted of too sleep.

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