Back on the plane

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Squid POV

The next day, we woke up at 6:00 in the morning. and the reason why we had to wake up that early you may ask. Well, our plane starts flying again at 7:30am, so we had exactly an hour to get their. We all dressed up pretty quickly, considering that we had only one bathroom. I guess that everyone was rushing cause they all knew that people were in line to get changed in the bathroom. Or they may have just gotten dressed really quickly cause they don't want to be late for the plane. Anyway's, it was my turn to get changed in the bathroom. Since our other clothes were in our luggages and carry-on bags, which were at the airport, we had to sleep in our day time clothing, so I was going to be pretty quick, just like the others. All I had to do was just freshen up, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. I did all that pretty quickly and then relaxed for a few minutes with the others.

"We're having breakfast at the airport, is that alright with everyone?" Stampy asked. "Yeah, sounds good, let's leave now so we can have enough time to eat and board the plane." Sqaishey suggested. "Ok, lets go." I replied while taking all of my belongings and heading out the door. The others did the same, and soon enough, we were all at the airport.

"So, where should we eat?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Amy's shoulders. "How about Starbucks, I could see it around the corner." Amy suggested. "I love Starbucks! Let's go!" Netty squealed as it was one of her favourite places to eat. Everyone agreed to go there, so that's what we did.

I had a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino with a bagel, while Amy had a Strawberry banana smoothie with a bagel as well. The others lined up to order and were soon back at the table to eat with us.

We all ate our breakfast, I then looked at the time and realized that it was 7:20am. There was only ten minutes till we had to board the plane. "Guys! Ten more minutes. Lets go now, so we won't be late." I told my friends. "Ok." Finball answered as everyone else agreed and we made our way to where our plane was.

Ten minutes later...

We had all showed our passports and went through security again, then we boarded the plane, and took our seats. Luckily, the man that had yelled at us all before, was no where to be seen. We all got settled, having taken the same seats as before. The intercom then went off. "Attension all apssengers, we will begin take off in five minutes so please get buckled up and get comfertable. Thank you." Right after the intercom went off, I heard someone smirking. I looked to my side to see the man that was on this plane before, laughing and pointing at me.

What was going on?

"Well, well, well... Look who we have here?" He began, then turned to his friends and laughed. "Yeah, we have you back on this plane. Look, I'm sorry, and I don't want to fight." I made an attempt to apoligise. "Here's a little tip for you, next time you apologise... don't insult the person while saying your sorry." He smirked. "At least I'm trying to apoligize..." I muttered. "Just ignore him Squid. He doesn't deserve to have your attension..." Amy told me. "Your right, I'm sorry... umm, what are you still doing here? Bye!" I replied then turned to the man. "Look at who's got a sassy little girlfriend?" He laughed. "What did you just say about her?" I stood up, clunching my fists, and getting ready to fight him. "Squid, it's ok..." Amy tryed to get me to sit back down again. "Attension all apssengers, we will be taking off right now, so please get in your seats and remain calm. Thank you." The intercom went off again. "Your lucky that we're about to take off. If not, you would've gotten a real beat out of me..." I said as I sat back down in my seat, and the man left to his. "Squid, you know that you really didn't have to do that, right?" Amy told me. "Yes I did, no one insults my girlfriend like that... I love you to much, to have you insulted like that." I answered. She took my hands into hers and looked me in the eyes. "I love you too. Thanks." She replied. "No big deal." "It is too me! Squid, you could've gotten hurt if he or even you, really did throw a punch." She exclaimed, with a worried look in her eyes. "I'd take a punch any time, if its for you." "Squid, you'd really take a punch for me?" "Of course I would." I replied. "I'd do anything for you." We leaned in and kissed passionally for a minute or two. Once we pulled apart the intercom went off and the plane began to fly.

Mexico here we come!

Hi!!! What's up? I hope your all good! Anyways, I have big stuff planned for this trip that they're going on! eee!!! K, so you'll all see! I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll see y'all later, in the next chapter that is! Byeee!!!

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