Chapter Four

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Marshall looked out the window as the leaves fell off the trees, announcing the arrival of the Fall, and with it, the imminent cold that will bring the winter just right after. It has been two months and a few days of surgeries, physical therapy and recovery, and he hadn't heard from Brooklyn.

His aunt tried to talk to her, but as Jeremiah had let them know, she was indisposed, not wanting to exchange words with him. That made him angrier as he knew she was selfishly keeping something from him.

The silence was broken when the doctor walked into his hospital room while Dolly got him ready to be discharged. He was temporarily bound to a wheelchair, and walking around with a cane was the bane of his existence.

No strong bull rider has to go through what he was going through at that moment. No hard headed man would accept what destiny just handed to him.

"Good morning, Marshall. I hope you're ready to go home," the doctor said as she stood there with a few discharge papers in her hands.

"I think that's an understatement, doctor," he replied rudely, earning a slap on his shoulder from Dolly as she scolded him for being a jerk.

"Very well," the doctor said, ignoring his remarks. "Here are the instructions to get your recovery going faster. I recommend finding a physical therapist in your town, or you can always travel here and we will provide one for you..."

"Are you crazy?" Marshall asked. "I have been wanting to leave this hell hole since the day I was wheeled here. I ain't making a two hour trip just to go through the pain..."

"Marshall Redd," Dolly scolded him again, this time harsher than before. "They only want to help you. If you hadn't gotten on that bull, this wouldn't have happened, so suck it up and take it like a man."

"We'll follow the directions, doctor," she added. "And I'm sure my nephew here will cooperate."

"Good. I hope you recover soon, Mr. Redd. And don't hesitate in calling us with any questions you might have."

Marshall scoffed as a nurse wheeled him out of the room and towards the hospital exit, where Jacob and Sophia were waiting for him. Seeing the expression on his little sister's face broke his heart, and it reminded him of that night, when instead of being home, she was by his side, going through the trauma of seeing him almost lose a leg or even die.

To him, it was lost either way. No matter how much physical therapy he'll have, no matter how well he recovered, he would never be the same. The doctors had told him about the possibility of being limp for the rest of his life, and his career would be over before it even began.

He was still young, Goddamn it! He didn't need to go through this pain and anger just yet. There was still so much to show his uncle and his late grandfather and father. All he wants is to make them proud. To make his sister proud.

As he was helped into his uncle's truck, Sophia held his hand, unsuccessfully helping pull him in. But her intention was more important, and he was at least glad to see her.

He could have died in that arena. All thoughts clouded his mind as he was being attacked by the horns of that bull. His family and friends. The townsfolk admired him and considered him a hero.

Brooklyn. The woman that in such a short time had made him a loving fool, only to disappear.

"Are you feeling okay?" Sophia asked while he tried to make himself comfortable, still feeling the pain on his leg as metal plates and screws kept it all together. His bones were beyond repair and he had no choice but to settle with the uncomfortable feeling they were already causing under his skin.

"I'll be fine, princess. Don't you worry about me. We are Redd, through and through. We're tough."

"I don't believe you for a single minute. You are hurting, and it's okay to hurt. You don't have to be strong all the time, Marshall. You can be vulnerable, because that's why we're here. To be there for you. Right, aunt Dolly?" Sophia asked while tears of sadness and concern for her brother rolled down her cheeks.

He hated seeing her feeling like the world had ended as he wrapped his arm around her and snuggled her against him, kissing her hair with the tenderness only a protective and loving brother could give. "I'll be okay. I promise, little one."

Sophia looked at him with a shy smile on her face. "Can I tell you a secret?" she asked.

"Yes, sure," he replied, curiously. She leaned against him, cupping her mouth as she whispered in his ear, "I dreamed that you and Brooklyn had a baby."

Her words made his heart thump, but not in a good way as he had sworn that he felt the emotions of being a father, only to be disappointed when Brooklyn didn't want to talk to him, or had denied through Jeremiah to his aunt that she ever had a baby.

He always felt that to be a lie, and knew Jeremiah and Bexley might have something to do with it, but for now, he would forget about her and focus on what really mattered. Himself and his family, and the will to return to the rodeo.

The ride seemed long, and he couldn't wait to get home. Frustrated and in pain, he just wanted to forget everything that has happened in these last five years. One thing most of all... That beautiful blonde woman that had made him fall in love, and that he was swearing not to want to see again.

At last they arrived at the ranch and Jacob parked his truck close to the house to make it easier for Marshall to get out and make his way to his room. Sophia ran to his side and wrapped her arms around his waist to keep him steady; his uncle helped him on the other side while Dolly opened the door for them, all four making it from the scorching hot weather to the cool air inside.

"Let's take you to your room," Dolly mentioned. "I'll prepare something quick to eat."

"No, that's okay. I'm not hungry," Marshall replied as Jacob led him to his bedroom. "Has Jeremiah called with news of Brooklyn?"

"No, dear. She made it clear that no communication was needed between you and her. What happened between you two, by the way?"

He shook his head and sighed. "Nothing. Don't worry, aunt Dolly. Message is received; loud and clear."

Sophia and Jacob settled him on his bed, making him comfortable before they both made it out of his room, but not before his sister gave him one last kiss on his cheek, her soft lips caressing his stubbled skin.

"You'll be fine," she smiled, hopping off the bed and closing the door behind her, leaving Marshall to rest. In all truth, he didn't need to, he has done plenty of resting in that hospital.

As he sat there, looking around his room, he took a deep breath. "If I ever see you again, Brooklyn Evans, you will not be happy with the man I will turn into. That's a promise."

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