Chapter Forty-Six

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Abilene waited for Brooklyn to leave the hospital and snuck into Marshall's room, closing the door behind her. His eyes were closed, as if he were resting, but his breathing showed signs of him being awake.

As much of a struggle as it had been getting on the bed, she managed to do it and sat next to him, holding his big hand in her two little ones.

"I'm happy, Daddy," she said, playing with his fingers. "We're finally staying. Mama was wrong for leaving, but I'm glad we're back." She wiped away a tear from her cheek. "Get better, please. I want us to go home soon."

Marshall opened his eyes and looked at her, raising his hand to caress her cheek.

"I'm happy too. And I will be out soon. I love you, Sugar Bug. Don't you and your mother leave me again."

Abilene shook her head furiously. "I promise." She looked at the door, making sure no one walked in and leaned over, whispering in his ear. "And if Mama wants to leave, we'll tie her up in the stables and not let her out."

Marshall chuckled at his daughter's feistiness. She was just like her mother, but also had his temper and stubbornness. So it would be fun to raise her together, along with the little one on the way. He wanted to have many kids running around the ranch, filling the home with laughter. It has been lonely all this time, and he was glad to have them back in his life.

Sophia would be gone, and he would have this little angel to fill the void.

"You're my everything, princess," he whispered as she laid on his chest, yawning.

"You're my champion, Daddy. My champion at heart."

Feeling at peace, they both fell in a deep slumber, enjoying the warm touch only a father could provide for his daughter.


Brooklyn stood in front of the sheriff's office, where she was told Cassie was being held. The woman needed to hear a few things from her. Messing with the man she loved was unforgivable, and she would make sure that snake would understand one way or the other.

Taking a deep breath, and hoping not to lose control, she walked in. The place was empty, except for Mrs. Cole, the secretary, who was busy typing away on her computer.

"Morning, Mrs. Cole. Is the sheriff around? I was wondering if I could see Miss Sanders."

The older lady with big rimmed glasses and gray hair tied up in a tight bun looked up, smiling at her.

"Miss Evans. Good to see you. Unfortunately, visiting hours are not until noon."

Looking at the clock on the wall, she noticed it was only 20 minutes until noon, so with a nod of her head, she made her way to the waiting area.

The minutes seemed long, the ticking of the device getting on Brooklyn's nerves. When noon finally came, she quickly made her way to the reception desk.

"Why are you eager to see this lady anyway? I heard she drugged Marshall and he almost died from an overdose."

"I don't mean to be rude, Mrs. Cole, but it's kind of a business between her and I. And I truly need to see her." She forced a smile.

The secretary nodded with a laugh, seeing and loving how sassy the young lady was, so she decided to lead her into the hall where the cells were, and brought her in front of Cassie's.

The woman just sat there, leaning against the wall while playing with the strands of her hair, twisting them on her fingers.

"I'll leave you to it. You know the exit, Miss Evans."

"Thank you." Brooklyn turned to face Cassie, her blood boiling just at the sight of her. How could someone be so evil as to try to separate a couple, and in the process almost kill someone, only to just sit there as if nothing had happened?

"What are you doing here?" she asked, playing with her nails.

Brooklyn feigned concern and sadness, the pout on her lips highly visible, all to fool Cassie. "I came to ask why would you do this to Marshall? He's a good man and had never done anything to upset anyone. Why would you want to hurt him?

Cassie stood from the bench and approached her, the gates the only thing separating them. Looking at her up and down, she smirked. "What did Marshall see in you? Come on, I am twice the woman you're not. That's why he married me and that's why we had a son."

Brooklyn went from sad to a mocking gesture. "Oh, sweetheart. Haven't you heard? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Marshall and I will be parents again. And not only one." She covered her mouth. Cassie opened her eyes wide in shock. "Ooppss, you heard right." Brooklyn giggled. "I am having two. Wow. So, that will be three children for Marshall!"

She turned serious and looked straight into Cassie's eyes, anger pouring through her blue orbs. "You are not enough of a woman for him. Leaving him when he needed you the most after your poor child died. He had to suffer that loss alone. Elliott was innocent, and he didn't deserve to be born the way he did. But you didn't care. So God didn't approve of you in your test as a mother, all thanks to that one little action."

"Please. I knew the kid was coming to this Earth sick. But Marshall insisted on having him, so it's his fault. Abortion was my choice."

Brooklyn didn't know where she got the strength from, but reached between the gate of the cell and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her against the iron bars, slamming her face hard on it. It was sure to leave a mark.

"Sheriff! Help me!" Cassie called as Brooklyn twisted her hand in the strands, making it more painful for her before she slammed her again against the bars. "Sheriff!"

"You listen to me, you insignificant rodent," Brooklyn whispered in her ear. "Whether you get out of here." She pulled her hair harder. "Or go to jail." Slammed against the bar. "You will leave me and my family alone, and that includes, most of all, Marshall. You never deserved him, and in honor of that little boy he lost, I will make sure to make him happy and to give him all the kids he wants. Because that little angel deserves to know his father will be well taken care of."

She pushed Cassie away, the woman falling on the floor as she sobbed, rubbing her head.

"May you rot wherever you end up, you filthy snake," she added.

Wiping her tears away, Brooklyn took a deep breath and walked out, bidding goodbye to Mrs. Cole before she stepped out of the sheriff's office.

The air was humid, but it provided enough to take a peaceful breath, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. And she promised herself that anyone that dared hurt those she loved would pay with interest.

With steady steps, she made her way back to the hospital to join Marshall and Abilene while thinking of a way and a time to give them the news she had failed to mention.

The Redd family would be welcoming twins, and she knew they would be as loved as Abilene was, and as Elliott would have been had he lived. 

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