Chapter Twenty-One

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 "Excuse me, what?" Brooklyn asked, dumbfounded at what she just heard.

"What you heard. Either come back, or you're fired," she replied with a sardonic voice as Brooklyn burned with anger.

"You can't fire me just like that. I'm your best employee. I've given six years of my life to your company, Miranda."

"Well, sorry sweetheart. But you've been warned. So, what will you do?"

Brooklyn took a deep breath, wanting to toss her phone against the wall and shatter it to pieces. She needed to calm down, or else she would say something she wouldn't be able to take back. It was a nightmare, and she wanted to wake up.

"Miranda, I had a family emergency..."

"I don't care about your emergency. If you are not here by tomorrow morning, forget about your job. I'm sure your little princess would be disappointed that her mother had lost her job and won't be able to spoil her. What a shame."

"Don't you dare mention my daughter. Anything, but her. You are a manipulative..." holding herself from calling her the B word, she put her fingers on the bridge of her nose, containing herself as she closed her eyes, thinking positive thoughts.

The young woman walked towards the front door so no one could hear her conversation, opening it to see the sun shining bright at the acres of land Marshall owned, and a sense of peace came through her, as she came up to a drastic decision.

She knew it would affect her, but for now, it didn't matter. She would be free of the toxic environment she's been in for years, and she would be her own person, without answering to anyone. Her daughter's happiness mattered more than her ridiculous minimum wage job.

So much for wanting to be a model. I guess life has other plans for me, and this is one of them.

"You just can't do this."

"Well, È quello che è, tesoro," Miranda replied, mocking her again.

"No, it is not what it is, sweetheart. Keep your job, you selfish ass. I quit. Arrivederci!" She hung up the phone, smiling to herself while looking at the horses galloping around in their pens, the bulls and cows grazing in the distance and the wild animals chittering about, trying to find extra food in the barns.

That's when she realized what she's done and gasped in shock, cursing at herself for such a decision. "No job, that means no home," she whispered. "I have left my daughter without a home."

Letting out a soft groan of frustration, she gripped her cell phone hard, tossing it to the distance, the device getting lost in the shrubs by the cows' pen.

"Are you okay?" she heard Marshall behind her, concerned laced in his voice. Turning around, she sighed, extending her arms wide before she slapped her thighs with her hands, feeling overwhelmed.

"I guess my stay will be a tad bit longer," she said, smiling apologetically at him.

"How come?" he asked, suddenly feeling a sense of relief and joy, but hiding it well from her. Not that he minded her staying longer, but he knew that the call she answered was something upsetting, and he wanted to find out what it was. Maybe it could be a way to console her, if it was something serious.

And by the look on her face, it was more than serious. It was terrible.

"I quit my job, because my boss threatened to fire me for not letting her know I came. And that if I wasn't there by tomorrow, that I should forget my job. What kind of crap is that? I have self respect, I won't stand for such bullying."

She paced back and forth, waving her hands like she was going insane. "She had me working overtime almost every day, like that was not illegal enough, and I was barely home for my daughter. Her nanny would get upset every time I had to stay late as she had her own life, so it was not fair. Working for nothing more than the wage I deserved. And to think I was going to make a fine model, but ended up being a simple wardrobe... whatever. That was not me, and now that I quit, I will lose my home. What am I going to pay my rent with?"

Marshall just stared at her in amusement, her rambling making him chuckle. Brooklyn stared at him with a frown on her face. "What's so funny?"

"Ah, nothing." he walked to his porch rail, leaning against it as he studied her. "You're adorable when you ramble about."

"Ha ha. You're not in the least amusing. I just don't know what to do. I will have to go back to Italy and..."

"You're not going anywhere!" He stood straight from the railing, panic suddenly taking over his body as the thought of her leaving and taking Abilene made him react impulsively.

"Excuse me? Since when do you tell me what to do?" Marshall knew he was crossing the line. Brooklyn was not the woman to do what a man told her to do, but he was scared to lose them both. And confessing his fears to her earlier made him feel weak in her eyes.

"Since you brought Abilene to meet me. I won't let you go. I deserve to spend my time with her." Stomping inside, with Brooklyn following close on his heels, they both made their way to the kitchen, arguing loudly.

"I have been living on my own for years, so don't you come and tell me what to do, Redd."

"Guys," Sophia interrupted, pointing at Abilene who had peeked her head over the couch's backrest, looking at them with wide eyes. "If you're going to argue, take it back outside."

"We're not arguing now, right, Mr. Redd?" Brooklyn folded her arms on her chest, defiantly. He stood by the table, his hands trembling before he decided what to do. And that was to pick her up and toss her over his shoulder, the feisty woman kicking and screaming as he took her outside, heading to his truck.

"What the hell are you doing, Marshall?" she asked. "Put me down, now!"

"Not until you calm down, mare."

"Mare? How dare you?"

Not containing his urge, he raised his hand and slapped her ass, making her squeal in shock. "Marshall Redd!" she shouted. "You jerk!"

"I am done arguing, Miss Evans. Time to shut it." He opened the door of his truck with his free hand and put her inside, leaning over to put her buckle on.

"I can do that myself..."

"Shut it," he muttered, clicking the belt before he stared at her, her lips calling to him once again. But as he resisted, so did she, for there was more sexual tension that was yet to be sated, and neither one wanted to admit it. Stubborn as an ox, as his parents used to say.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't." he smirked. "I am done, so either you calm down, or I'll tell our daughter she might be a big sister."


Marshall's expression turned serious. "In case you had forgotten, we were so caught up in our little bubble, that we forgot to use protection, Miss Evans."

Brooklyn's eyes opened wide, but narrowed them at him, pretending to be unbothered. "There's a fat chance of that."

"We'll see, Sugar. We'll see."

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