Chapter Thirty

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Sophia sat on her porch steps with her arms folded over her knees, looking up at the starry night. She expected her brother to be upset at Jonah, but never knew he would react the way he did, offending Brooklyn. He sure deserved her slap, but they also deserved love, and they were the only ones who could tame each other.

If only he changed his mind about Jonah. Her brother knew his father, and he knew him. His intentions were pure and honest.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Jonah's truck parked by the barn; the young man stepped out of it and stood there, staring at her from a distance, waving at her. Looking at the door, she realized everyone must be in bed by now, so she decided to join him, even though it surprised her to see him back this late. She thought he would just drive away and ignore her.

But the text a few minutes after he was gone made her think he still wanted to be with her, and that made her happy.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, curiously. "If my brother sees you, he will forbid you from ever stepping foot on this ranch." She wrapped herself in her mother's cardigan, feeling the cool breeze of the night.

Jonah stepped closer, reaching for her hand. "I just wanted to see how the mare was doing."

"Just that?" she frowned. "Umm... The mare is doing fine. I checked on her earlier and Marshall did the same before he went to bed."

Jonah chuckled and looked down at the ground shyly, kicking a few rocks. "To tell you the truth, Sophia, I didn't come for just that. I know it's late for a ride, but I wanted to talk to you."

"Well, whatever you needed to say I am sure you could have mentioned it in the texts you sent me," Sophia tried not to think too much about it, but her heart was doing somersaults and that feeling was like no other. "I don't want Marshall to see you here. I'm serious, Jonah."

The young cowboy took a deep breath as he stepped closer, only inches of air were separating his lips with hers. "I was thinking all afternoon, and I swear I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I couldn't. I had to tell you today, and not in a text. The proper way, Sophia."

"What are you talking about?" she asked, biting her lips as she stared at his while she linked her hands together in front of her, rubbing them nervously.

"Sophia Redd," he mentioned, making her chuckle at the mention of her full name. "I would love it if you'd accepted to be my girlfriend. I like you and I want to spend all the time I can with you."

She opened her eyes wide, not knowing what to say, yet again. There was something about Jonah that kept her from talking. As if every word was sucked out of her without notice and given to this boy in front of her.

He was her curse, but also her blessing.

Jonah held her hands and pressed them against his chest, staring into her eyes. "What do you say?"

"I don't know. My brother..."

"Forget about your brother. I will talk to him again, and I won't give up until he wants to hear me out. I want you to be my girlfriend, officially. Not spend time at the hardware store, secretly. But out in public, where we can hold hands, and share an ice cream at the diner. I want those things."

Sophia pulled her hands away from his and covered her face, the shade of pink creeping up her cheeks. She had always wanted to be with him, and as he would watch him walk down the hall in school, while the other girls would try to get his attention, he was always finding ways to get to her.

To talk to her.

Still covering her face, she nodded and giggled. "Yes," she responded, but her voice was muffled by her hands, Jonah had to pull them down.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Yes, Jonah. I want to be your girlfriend. And I know you will convince my brother to let us date. For now, just go home and we'll talk tomorrow."

Jonah smiled widely as he cupped her cheeks, excitement ran through his veins. He had the girl. The girl he thought he was not enough for. The one he yearned to hold just like he's doing now.

"May I give you your first kiss, Miss Redd?"

"You may, Mr. Lowell," she giggled again as he leaned closer, giving her a chaste kiss, which soon turned into a small play of their lips, molding them together. As short as it was, it was just enough to wake her senses and feel the butterflies turn her stomach.

"I'll see you around," Jonah mentioned as soon as he pulled away.

"See you around," she replied with a shaky voice as her heart was still beating fast. He didn't make it to his truck before he walked back to her to give her one last kiss, rushing back to get on and drive away.

Letting out a squeal of happiness, Sophia hurried back to the house, knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep thinking about that wonderful first kiss.


Brooklyn felt a soft touch of someone's lips, stirring her awake to find Marshall hovering over her, making him smile. The morning sun was starting to rise, and she smiled at the memory of what happened the night before.

"Good morning, Sugar," Marshall smiled, kissing her forehead.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"About five. I am ready to head out and tend on the animals before breakfast."

Brooklyn sat straight and stared at him, admiring every feature of his face as he slowly sat down next to her. "What are you thinking?"

She shook her head. "I was awake most of the night, thinking, watching you sleep soundly, and your snores are cute," she chuckled, reaching for his hand.

"Do I really snore?" he said, embarrassed.

"Yes, but like I said, they're cute." She looked at their linked hands and sighed. "I am going back to Italy."

Marshall stood abruptly, not liking the news. Not this again, he thought.

"Why? I thought everything was fine."

"Hear me out, please."

He nodded, but didn't want to sit down again for fear he might not leave that bed; not with that woman still naked under the sheets.

"I will leave Abilene here, if that's okay. But I have to go back and set things straight. I need to return the keys to the apartment and see where I can send all the belongings. If we're going to start a new life here, I need to leave the other one behind."

"So, you made up your mind," Marshall said, hope clear in his eyes.

"Yes. I want to give this a chance and see where it goes. I think me and our daughter deserve that much. You, too. I want us to be the happy family Abilene has wanted for so long."

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