Chapter Thirty-Six

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The sisters walked into Marshall's room, which now was the one he shared with Brooklyn, and sat on the bed in silence, neither one willing to talk. Brooklyn had the concern of Marshall returning to the circuit, and one single ride could end it all for him.

Bexley wished Jeremiah called her, hoping to fix the misunderstanding they had and go back to being by each other's side.

"I'm scared," Brooklyn said, holding her sister's hand. "What if he says yes to that offer?"

"Hard to know, Bex. It's five million dollars, right?" Brooklyn nodded. "It's a great sum of money, but those guys were not interested in his well-being, only in how much it could bring them if fans saw Marshall Redd in that arena again. If Marshall is like Jezzah, he would put his family first. One hundred percent."

Brooklyn sighed and squeezed Bexley's hand. "What about you? What brings you here? I'm not complaining, and I'm happy to see you, but you never show up anywhere without giving notice first."

Bexley's eyes started to tear up, but she pushed them back, not wanting to seem weak. Standing from the bed, she hugged herself and made her way to the open window, looking at the vast land ahead of her. "Jezzah and I had a fight, and we decided to take a break from each other." She looked down at the wedding ring on her finger, turning it around. Brooklyn knew she did that when her sister was upset or nervous and knew there was something bothering her.

"What did you two fight about?" she asked, getting off the bed to join her.

"Something stupid, really. I saw this girl flirting with him, and my pregnancy hormones went haywire..."

"Wait, you're pregnant?" Brooklyn asked in shock, turning her sister to face her.

"Yes, but listen to me. I got jealous as he was smiling at her. But she was just a fan looking for an autograph, like many fans do. And my overreaction kind of ruined it all. I know just like Marshall, Jezzah is loyal. He wouldn't cheat on me, right?"

"Of course not. Jezzah is a famous hockey player. He will have fans crowding him. But he has one woman in his mind. The one who he put a ring on his finger to. He wouldn't betray the love he feels for you."

Bexley sighed and smiled at her, nodding in agreement. "I had asked him to retire, but he says he still has the energy and will to play a few more seasons. I want to live somewhere peaceful, maybe buy a ranch and enjoy the sight while our baby runs around, giggling and scratching his or her knees, and just.. having a great childhood without all the craziness of the sport."

Brooklyn understood and patted her arm in comfort.

"Just give him time, he'll come to you. Maybe he'll think about what you told him, but don't pressure him. Now, let me fix the room for you."

"No need. I can share with Abilene. It's been a while since I saw my favorite niece."

Brooklyn laughed. "She's your only niece. Now, about that pregnancy. Does he know?" Bexley nodded, touching her belly. "He does, and he can't wait to meet this one."

"I am so happy for you. Looks like we might have our babies close in date."

Realization hit Bexley's face as she looked at Brooklyn touching her belly as well, both women squealing in happiness, hugging each other and feeling the bond they have always had since they were kids.

The celebration was interrupted when Marshall knocked on the open door as if asking permission to go into his own room. Seeing the ladies talk, he thought best not to barge in on their conversation without announcing himself.

"May I steal my girlfriend for a minute, Miss Evans?" he asked with a soft expression on his face while Bexley urged them out. He extended his hand to take Brooklyn's and both of them walked out of the room, towards the door. The afternoon sunshine was bright, and even though the cool air of fall was threatening to arrive, they were still happy to enjoy the last few weeks of summer heat.

"Where are we going?" she asked, curiously.

"You'll see," Marshall replied, asking the young couple to watch Abilene for a couple of hours, to which they agreed and promised to keep her busy as they both headed back to his truck. "I have a surprise for you," he added, helping her in.

As they drove toward their destination, Brooklyn felt the need to ask. "Did you accept the offer?" She wasn't looking at him, but he could feel and hear her voice breaking, afraid, just as he had been while he read the contract.

"No, I didn't." Brooklyn turned her face to look a him. "As tempting as it was, Sugar, I couldn't do it. Riding a bull is no walk in the park, and if I go back to the circuit, I'm afraid I won't come back to you, our daughter, and my sister."

Marshall reached for her hand and added. "Call me a coward, a pathetic excuse for a cowboy, but my family and my ranch matter more, and I'm sticking with you."

Brooklyn blinked back her tears of joy as she squeezed his hand in gratitude and reassurance. She knew the rodeo was something important for him, and it must have been hard to choose between staying here or giving it another shot.

"It wasn't hard at all, Brooklyn," he said, seriously, and that's when she realized she had thought out loud, smiling sheepishly.

They arrived at the Redd Ranch, and Brooklyn wondered what they could be doing there. Would Marshall tell his uncle about the men who offered him to go back?

No, he said he had a surprise, and she loved surprises. As long as they were good ones.

He pulled in front of the barn, where she recognized it as the place where they had first made love; her heart was skipping not one beat, but hundreds as he stepped off the truck and walked around, opening the door for her.

Not wanting to ask any question for fear of ruining the moment, she let him lead her inside. The sun snuck through a few holes in the roof, giving the barn a soft and warm brightness to it. There was the skating rink Jeremiah had brought Bexley in, and in the corner still sat the mechanical bull, uncovered and waiting for them.

"Marshall," she whispered as she pulled his hand and stopped. "What is this?"

"My surprise. Come on, I'm sure you'll love it. Or at least I hope." His gruff voice always attracted her, and she could always trust him with anything he did for her. He was the kind of man she always yearned for, and as thought before, there was no comparison with Michael. Yes, she had fun, and yes, they had seemed like the perfect couple in college, but here and now, to her, this man was perfection and more, if there was such a thing.

"I wanted to try the bull one more time. Here with you," he mentioned, leading her towards the machine before he dusted it, crouching with his hands linked together to serve as a step for her to get on.

"Marshall, what are you doing?" she asked again as her heart was pounding this time while she climbed on the bull. Memories of that night came to her mind, and her body electrified. Her skin prickled, and her senses were overtaken by excitement as she felt Marshall climb behind her, letting her feel the warmth of his closeness.

"Hold on, Sugar. This will be a bumpy ride."

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