Chapter Eighteen

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"That's quite the remarkable creature you got there." Marshall turned around at the sound of his uncle's voice, just as he was getting out of his truck, walking towards him. Both men greeted each other in a hug, patting each other's shoulders before they pulled away and faced the pen where the bull was kept in.

"Yes. Retired and great breeder. It cost me a pretty penny, but it was all worth it. When I start getting champion bulls, I won't be looking at how much I had to spend for this big guy, but how much profit I will start making," he replied with a smile on his face, one Jacob noticed and he had the urge to say what he truly went to his ranch to say.

"Your aunt told me Brooklyn was here. I can't imagine how you're feeling now. Especially with a little girl."

Marshall nodded. "It has been quite a shock, that's for sure. I have been feeling uneasy, but quite relaxed at the same time. Not sure what it is, but seeing that little girl just felt great."

Jacob leaned against the fence, letting out a soft chuckle as he stared at the animal. "How are you handling her return?" He knew his uncle was teasing him, but he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of getting worked up. As much of a shock as that has been, he needed to think with a cool head, or else he could just fall harder than he did at the rodeo.

If that kiss turned into many more, or even nights in his bed, he was afraid that more than his leg, it would be his heart to get broken. She felt so good in his arms, moaning against his lips, pressing her body against his, and he imagined how she could just melt under the sheets with him.

How her soft skin could prickle at every touch of his fingers running over it, his tongue just dragging along, leaving a wet, sensual trail on her breasts, and nibbling at her ears.

"I lost you there for a moment, champ. What were you thinking about." Jacob smirked.

"I don't know, Pa," he said, calling him by the well-deserved name, as he had been like a father to him and Sophia. "I just made the biggest mistake on the face of Earth."

"Let me guess. You kissed her and now your senses are going haywire, and you're scared that she could steal your heart again, only to leave. In a week, from what I've heard."

"A week? But, it's not enough time to get to know my daughter."

"Are you sure she's your daughter, son?" Jacob asked.

"Definitely. She's the vivid image of myself when I was a kid. There's no doubt about it. I could still ask for a paternity test, but I am sure of it."

There was nothing more definitive for Marshall than knowing Abilene was his daughter, and more than her physical appearance, he felt it in his heart that she was part of himself.

As they both kept staring at the majestic animal in front of them, they heard the ATV approaching them, stopping near them before Sophia got off, smiling widely as she ran her hand through her hair to set it in place after the morning breeze had made a mess of it.

"Hello, uncle Jacob. Nice to see you here," she greeted him with a big hug. "What brings you over?"

"Not much. Can't I just visit my favorite niece and nephew?"

Sophia laughed. "We are your only niece and nephew."

"Okay, you got me there. I just wanted to see how you two were doing, and how were you handling Brooklyn's arrival?" Sophia's smile faded as she shrugged her shoulders.

"It was surprising, for sure. But I can't say I am too keen on her presence. Not after..." she stopped in the middle of the sentence, not wanting to mention her conversations with Brooklyn in front of her brother. She was still carrying the burden of keeping the secret, and didn't know when the right time would be for such a confession.

She was just a teenager! She didn't need to hold that much weight on her shoulders. But she couldn't blame anyone but herself. She was the one who insisted; who begged Bexley to give her Brooklyn's number.

"Not after what?" Marshall asked, raising an eyebrow. Sophia chuckled nervously, praying he didn't ask any further questions. "Not after what, Sophia Michelle Redd?"

"I said nothing," as she was walking away, he grabbed her arm, accidentally tightening his hold on her. "You're hurting me, Marshall!"

"You have to tell me what you know, Sophia."

"I don't have to tell you anything. It's my secret between Brooklyn and I. Now, let me go!"

"Marshall, stop this nonsense. Let her go, now," Jacob scolded him, holding his free arm in an attempt to get him to loosen his hold on her.

"Not until she tells me what she was about to say."

"Let her go, right now!" Brooklyn shouted as she trotted towards them, Marshall quickly letting Sophia go before the young girl rushed to Broklyn's side, wrapping her arms around her, looking for comfort. "What the hell are you thinking, Marshall? She's your sister."

As Sophia sobbed in Brooklyn's arms, Marshall couldn't help but feel guilty and his expression softened as he apologized to his little sister.

"I know you're angry with me, but don't take it on her. You're acting like an idiot. It's not her fault she wanted to talk to me, and know how I was doing."

Brooklyn wrapped her arms tightly around Sophia as she kept shedding tears, confused at her brother's behavior.

"She was talking to you all this time?"

"Yes, up until three years ago. If that's what you wanted to know, then there it is. I told her to stop calling me so she didn't get in trouble with you. But she's innocent. I don't blame, either."

"She couldn't trust me with that?"

"No. Why would she, when at that moment, you hated my guts?"

Jacob sensed they both needed to have a long talk, so he offered to take Sophia inside and try to calm her, as Marshall had scared her. He had never put a hand on her, or even talked to her the way he did, and he hoped Brooklyn could ease that bad mood off him.

As he and Sophia walked away, side by side, Brooklyn stared at him, upset, her fists tight on her side as she tried to keep herself from teaching the man a lesson.

"I shouldn't have taken it on her, I know."

"No, you shouldn't have. I am the only one you should be mad at. Not her. She just wanted to talk to me. She loved me that much, so don't do this to her."

Taking his hat off, Marshall ran his hand through his hair, ashamed. With her arrival, he was losing control once again, and the pent up anger and energy should be focused on her, not Sophia.

"Hate me all you want, I don't care. But stop acting this way, please."

With a curt nod, agreeing with her, he walked away and into the barn, trying to run away from the situation.

"Oh, no. You won't run away from me. I am not done with you."

"But I am."

Brooklyn laughed. "Okay, right. Well, the kiss you gave me said otherwise, and guess what? I want another one, cowboy."

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