Chapter Thirty-One

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A few weeks had gone by and the sun in Italy was sure not the same as back at the ranch. Brooklyn stood at the window, drinking a cup of coffee while the movers took her furniture out, getting them ready to ship back to Tennessee. She wasn't sure what she would do with them, but one thing she was certain of, and that was this was not her home anymore.

It never felt like one and hearing her daughter that night talk about how she disliked it, helped in her decision.

She wanted to be in Marshall's arms, waking up every morning by his side, enjoying the day and making love every night.

"Signora?" one of the movers called her, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Everything is loaded in the truck, and we are ready to send it to the shipping dock."

"Yes. Thank you, Armando. You guys are efficient, and I appreciate it," she smiled as she grabbed a few dollars and gave each mover their tips. Work well done, she thought as they all happily left, finishing their work for the day.

Her cell phone rang, Marshall's face appearing on the screen, handsome and manly; his cowboy hat covering part of his face and she always thought it was a picture worthy of a romance book cover.

My cowboy

"Good afternoon, handsome," she greeted him.

"Well, it's still morning here, just waking up to tend to the animals. Abilene is helping me today."

"Good, is she doing okay? I miss you both."

"She's doing great. I can't wait to give her the news, Brooklyn."

"I know," she replied, looking out the window. "I just wanted to make sure everything went according to plan first."

"When are you coming back?"

"I just have to sign a few papers and maybe tomorrow I can be on a plane. I can't wait to see you."

"Me neither."

Brooklyn heard Abilene call her father, and after a short chat with her daughter, she went back to talking to Marshall. "I was thinking when I come back, I want us to go to the clinic and do that paternity test."

"Brooklyn, you don't have to. I'm sure she's my daughter."

"I know. And I am, too. But I don't want anyone in town thinking she's just a way for me to snatch you up or for your money."

"I don't care what they say, but if you insist, then we'll go. See you soon, Sugar. I love you."

"I love you, too. Bye."

She hung up the phone and looked back at the distance, thinking of a way to give Marshall the next news. Feeling out of sorts the past few days and missing her monthly period, she had decided to take a couple of tests, confirming what she suspected.

She wasn't surprised and she knew these were the consequences of both their actions, but she was overjoyed all the same.

"I'll tell our daughter she might be a big sister." She remembered Marshall's words that day when they were arguing, and she didn't want to believe it. But now she was here, holding on to each one of them.

"You will have a great father, little one," she said, rubbing her flat belly as she looked down at it. "And a family that will fill you with love."


"When is Mama coming home?" Abilene asked as she brushed Kiki, a white foal–which was the name she had given to Clara's foal–and kissed his nose. She had been present to each birth of all three foals, and she quickly wanted ownership of them. Daisy and Dixie, the twins, both black, were also her favorite.

"Only if you take care of them properly," Marshall had said then, which she promised, and from that day on, she has been tending to them every morning and evening to make sure they were doing okay.

"She said tomorrow, but I have to wait to hear from her," he replied as he put feed on each of the horse's buckets.

"I can't wait to see her. I miss her. She's been gone too long."

"I know. But things like what she's doing take time."

Abilene sighed. The thought of going back to Italy made her want to cry, but her mother had promised her they might stay. So, she hoped she kept that promise.

With the chores done and breakfast done, thanks to Sophia, all three of them sat down to enjoy a hearty plate of fried eggs, steak bits and toasts.

"So, is Jonah coming to pick you up today?" Marshall asked, curiously.

"He is. We are planning on going to his ranch to spend the day. They have some sort of family reunion."

"That's nice," he replied, taking a bite of his eggs. He smiled at how brave the boy had been, standing up to him that day, determined to get him to agree to his request.

"I won't go anywhere until you hear me out, sir," Jonah said as he stood at the porch steps, looking up at Marshall with confidence in his eyes. "I want to be with Sophia, and nothing you do will keep me from doing so."

"You think you're smart, boy? My sister will not date anyone."

"Sorry to ruin your party, Mr. Redd. But I have already asked her, and she said yes. And I came to talk to you because it was the proper thing to do, and my parents had raised me that way."

Seeing he would not give up, Marshall turned to look at Sophia, who stood by the door, concerned for the outcome of the visit.

"Are you sure you want to date him?" he asked. She nodded furiously as he turned back to face Jonah with a serious expression on his face. Brooklyn stood by Sophia's side, raising an eyebrow at Marshall in warning.

"Very well, you can. But no disrespecting her and no bringing her home late when you two go out on dates."

"No, Mr. Redd. I promise," the boy replied with a wide smile on his face. Sophia rushed to her brother, hugging him tightly before she joined her boyfriend by his truck, both of them leaving to enjoy their first outing without having to hide anything from her brother.

"What are you thinking?" Sophia asked while buttering her toast, and both her and Abilene stared at him with curiosity.

"How much I admire your boyfriend. He has proven these past few weeks how worthy he is of you."

With unshed tears in her eyes, Sophia stood from her chair and hugged her brother. "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you, too. Now, eat before he gets here or you'll be late," he looked at Abilene. "And you need to get ready, because we are taking a trip to town. I want to surprise your mother when she gets here and you will help me with it."

"Yes, sir!" She saluted, making him chuckle.

With breakfast done, and Sophia gone with Jonah, they were getting ready for a trip to town, when he received a call from Jeremiah.

"Hey, Jay. How are you?" he greeted him.

"Not so good, Marshall. Bexley is on her way to your ranch, and I need you to pick her up at the airport, please."

"Why, what happened?" Marshall asked, concerned.

"We are taking a break from each other."

"I'm sorry, you guys seemed to be doing well. What about her parents? Can't she stay with them?"

"They can't know. And the only person she wants to see now is Brooks. So please, pick her up and give her a room in your ranch. I am hoping to mend it, but for now, we need time apart."

Marshall sighed and nodded. He was curious to know what had happened between his cousin and Brooklyn's sister. "No problem, Jay. Brooklyn will be happy to see her, and we'll take good care of her."

Champion At Heart (Sequel of Breaking Ice)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora