Chapter Thirty-Two

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The ride to town was silent and Marshall didn't dare ask any questions as Bexley just sat there, looking out the passenger window of his truck, sniffling. He felt bad for both of them, as they loved each other like no one ever could. And he wished he knew enough, even though he might be the wrong person to give advice.

"Aunt Bexley, are you okay?" Abilene asked, seeing sadness in her aunt's eyes through the mirror.

"I'll be fine, sweetie pie," she replied, checking her phone every minute, possibly hoping for a message from Jeremiah.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Marshall finally asked. Bexley turned to look at him, shaking her head.

"I want to see Brooklyn."

"Well, you will not see her probably until tomorrow, or the next day. But in the meantime, you're welcome to stay at my ranch. We have a spare room you can use, or you can share with Abilene since Brooklyn and I are sleeping..."

"You don't have to give me too much information. I know," Bexley chuckled, the first time in hours since she left her house. "Jeremiah and I just had a small argument, well, probably the biggest one we've had all these years, and I decided to just come here and take a breather."

"What about your job?"

"It'll be there when and if I go back. I don't think it's what I wanted anyway, Marshall. I thought going back to figure skating, or teaching it would be what I wanted, but now I realize, it's this," she waved at the air as if pointing at the beautiful acres of field in front of them. "What you and Brooks have now."

Marshall shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "You can have it, and use it as a peaceful retreat for when Jay is out of the hockey season."

Bexley shook her head, hugging herself, feeling a chill that she knew wasn't there, but her body was reacting to it. "I want him with me full time, and I know it's selfish, but now more than ever, me and our baby need him."

"You're having a baby?" Marshall asked, surprised. "Congratulations! I won't ask, but if you want to talk about what happened, I'm here, okay?" He held her hand with a soft, reassuring smile.

"Thank you, but I think I need my sister for this one."

Pulling his hand back, he lifted it up in defeat, understanding that some things are better shared between sisters, and he could be biased, seeing how he was Jeremiah's cousin, and choosing sides would be harder than he thought.

They arrived in town, and Marshall parked in front of a jewelry store, his hands sweating as he looked at the sign. He was ready, and he knew Brooklyn could be too. "Do you want to join us, or wait here?" he asked, knowing how delicate her situation was, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"I'll join you. No big deal."

The three of them got out of the truck and walked into the store, looking around at the variety of necklaces, bracelets and rings. Noticing a few gold, others silver and even rings with birthstones encrusted in them, Marshall browsed the display cases, with Abilene by his side, standing on her tiptoes to take a peek at what her father was looking at, while Bexley stood on the other side, browsing some other pieces herself.

"Are you proposing?" she asked, suddenly curious. If the glow in her eyes was anything to go by, Marshall was in for a whole lot of squealing and long speeches from the older sister, not to mention her parents when he gave them the news.

"I was thinking about it. Not sure if I am fit to choose anything, that's why I asked Abilene to help me with it."

Bexley approached him, looking around the rings on the display case. "Bexley, you don't have to. I know it might make you feel strange, seeing how you and my cousin are fighting now."

"Please, what happened between me and Jezzah has nothing to do with my sister's happiness. And if she means the world to you, and you truly love her how she deserves, then what's wrong in helping my future brother-in-law?"

They all looked at each piece, getting help from Cindy, the store owner, until Bexley found the perfect one. It was a silver ring with two rose-gold daisies and a blue sapphire in the middle.

"Brooklyn will love this one. It's simple, yet elegant. My sister loves Sapphires, and this one is the perfect one for her."

"Good to know," Marshall smiled, telling the owner to show them the ring. As he held it in his fingers, he knew Bexley was right, but the thought of getting on one knee and promising a forever life to the woman he loved got to him.

He had done the same for Cassie, failing in his marriage over time. They lost a baby, and she left him when he needed her the most. "I can't." He handed the ring to Cindy before he stomped out. Abilene and Bexley followed him, finding him by his truck, leaning on the hood as he tried to not hyperventilate.

"Marshall, what's wrong?" Bexley asked, concerned. The memories of his ex-wife were keeping him from moving forward.

He promised Brooklyn. He didn't want to fail her, but he was still afraid. "I don't know if I can propose, Bexley."

She stepped closer to him, patting his shoulder. "Is this about Cassie?" She asked as Marshall looked at her with surprise. "My sister tells me everything, minus the intimate parts. But she's worried about you, and she's scared that if you're stuck in the past, you will never be happy. Don't let that opportunity pass you by. Fate brought her back to you."

She's right. What am I doing? I'll lose Brooklyn and Abilene in the process.

Bexley, seeing his turmoil, tried to deviate the conversation. "What was your baby's name?"

Marshall shook his head. "We never got to name him. It all happened so fast. Haven't even visited his grave."

"Well, isn't it time you did? It might help you truly move on. Brooklyn and Abilene don't deserve to have just half of you. Your son will live in you, but he will also live in Abilene's laughter, and in Brooklyn's love for you."

Bexley sighed and added. "It will help you be happy with them, and whoever comes in their way."

"Thank you, Bexley. I truly appreciate your concern."

"Great. Now, man up, cowboy and let's get that ring."

"Bossy, aren't you?"

Bexley waved her hand dismissively. "It's how I keep Jezzah straight," her smile faded as she stopped by the door, feeling sadness take over her heart.

"Hey," Marshall said, holding her in his arms. "It will be okay. Jay will come here and you'll both fix it. There is no couple more perfect than you two."

"You're right. I still don't like arguing with him."

They pulled from their embrace and Marshall opened the door for the ladies, hearing the voice of the one person he never expected to hear from.

"Marshall? Is that you?"

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