Chapter 1: Careful What You Wish For!

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All my life, I've been fascinated by the sea.

More specifically, the epic stories of fishermen and pirates having to fend off attacks from towering giants looming in the deep seas.

Most other boys who held the same fascination saw themselves as a greedy pirate, or a legendary fisherman.

But me? I dreamed of being that legendary sea beast, combing the oceans, terrorizing the land dwellers who call the sea their home.

Call me a weirdo, but you gotta admit, it sounds kinda awesome, right?

Well, anyway, I had always had that dream, until one fateful day changed everything.

I was walking home from the grocery store with a bag full of apples preparing to give them to my current crush, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a football shot towards the sky before diving straight towards my noggin.

Although the ball didn't cause me too much harm, it did make me dizzy for a while, which was enough time for me to not notice a random banana peel lying on the sidewalk, and I ended up tripping and falling on a fire hydrant right next to me, causing me to lose consciousness.

When I next awoke, I was in a spacious white room, and a glowing yellow figure in front of me.

He was busy sitting down looking over something.

(Is this god?) I thought to myself.

As I thought that, the figure turned it's attention towards me, before quickly packing up all of it's things and coming over to greet me.

"Well hello there~" The figure said, reaching out for a handshake.

"H-Hello?" I responded uncertaintly as I reached out my own hand to match his.

"Nice to meet you~ I wasn't expecting you for about...Twenty more seconds!" The figure stated before awkwardly coughing.

"So, basically, you're dead. Yeah, kind of sad and tragic, but hey, I can reincarnate you if you want?~ It can be anything you desire?~" The glowing figure said alluringly expecting some kind of response.

"Um, ok, but first, could you explain to me what's all happening here?" I asked.

I figured it was a reasonable thing to ask, after all, I kind of already understood most of it, but I still wanted to be sure, you never know, this could just be Hell, and the Devil intending on trying to somehow torture me.

The glowing figure rolled it's eyes, I think?

I couldn't really discern if it even had eyes, but if it did, then it definitely rolled them just now.

"Why can't anyone be more original these days? The last original guy I had was a lot more fun! Speaking of, your death is completely insane too! I mean really, what are the coincidences that needed to happen for you to die like that? How pathetic could you be?" The glowing figure ranted on for what like an eternity, before finally realizing who was infront of him.

"Ahem, sorry about that. If I'm being completely honest, being the god of reincarnation has been quite the taxing job, especially in the recent years, I mean your little Earth planet is so un protected from plagues, it's basically a living graveyard at this point. As such, the recent influx of souls has been on the rise. I mean really, it's no wonder the last god decided to quit! If I would've known this, I would've at least fought for some vacation days!" The figure said, before moving on to a hurried explanation.

"But I digress, so basically I'm the god of reincarnation, yes there are other gods, yes when you reincarnate you could become a god, no you can't choose to be reborn as a god (got yelled at for a week for that one) you can choose any mortal creature, or even a random thing you made up on the spot, just give me the details. There are multiple gods out there, your planet had magic but it's gone now, blah blah blah, choose your next life kid. Oh, yeah, and because of a special criteria which I'm not allow to tell you, you'll be remembering your past life unlike normal souls. Anyway, hurry up and choose, I don't have all day."

I had to only think about it for a second before answering without hesitation.

"I'd like to reincarnate as a Leviathan!" I answered energetically.

"Pfft, ok." The glowing figure laughed before a giant hole appeared between the two of us.

"Well? Jump on in to your new life!~" The glowing figure said grandiosly.

I tried to brace myself, I had always been afraid of heights, and the prospect of jumping down blindly was a little...

But before I could even steel my nerves, the god that was infront of me had appeared behind me and shoved me towards the hole.

"Have a safe trip~ Oh and I forgot one last detail, this world is based on a video game leveling system and evolution system! So becareful of what you eat!~" The glowing figure shouted as I rapidly descended into what I had already believed to be Hell.

As my body hit the bottom, a loud and thunderous splash sounded in my ears as I scanned my surroundings.

(This is...?) I thought to myself.

All around me was pure blue.

After seeing it for only a few minutes, my eyes had already started to get irritated by seeing the same color everywhere.

As I tried my best to move or swim in the ocean, I noticed something wrong with my body.

Looking up towards me was a bright white light, I quickly swam towards that light, and about a half hour later, had finally reached the ocean, only my head was only a few inches above the surface of the water at best, if I really was a giant sea serpent, why can't my head move higher up?

Is a Leviathan something different in this world? Had I said the wrong creature?

My doubts quickly turned into shock and fear as I barely managed to see the reflection below me.

It was a golden fish with a stupid looking expression.

A goldfish.

I had been reincarnated as a Goldfish!

(WHAT THE HELL!!!!!) I screamed at the top of my non-existent lungs.

My New Life as a Leviathan in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now