Chapter 26: Clash of Gods

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I finally managed to get this guy away from Penelope and everyone.

However, as I looked behind me.

I realized he had stopped running after me a long time ago.

Now, it seemed like he was simply taking a brisk stroll.

Not to mention, that guy...He's just been destroying the ocean water every time he takes a step.

It really pisses me off.

Doesn't he know how difficult it is to get that much ocean water back?! I only did it before because I didn't know how exhausting it was!

It also made me have a bit of a cool entrance too!

Not only that, but I finally began to pay more attention to some more detailed features.

Like the green-black outfit he had on. It looked like that weird towel or whatever the Greeks used to wear.

His skin was also completely charred black.

his eyes were green too, but with a mixture of gold in them.

This guy must really love the green and black colors.

It does make him seem less human though. (Oh wait, he's a Titan, so I guess he isn't human?)

His hair was fairly long, and his face would've probably been really beautiful if it didn't look like such a nightmare.

"I don't get it. Isn't your name Apollo? Weren't you one of the Greek gods?" I asked.

"What of it? It's not as if I'm the same as your version of the gods. Besides, I've already rejected my godhood. Now I stand with the future ruler of the multiverse!" Apollo answered.

I see. So basically, he's another greek god from a different universe.

That's kinda annoying to think about, but it doesn't matter right now.

The important part is what else he mentioned.

He said he rejected his godhood and became a Titan? What, is it like some sort of virus or something?

Like a symbiote maybe?

I don't get what the Titan's really are at this point.

I guess it doesn't matter right now. Since maybe the gods will have more information.

My current priority should be to kick this guys ass and spend what little time I have left with my family. (I'd still like to meet my kid after all!)

With that in mind, the two of us continued to have a stare off for what felt like an hour, before he finally made the first move.

Green-black flame manifested itself above his hand as he casually pushed the flames forth.

I swiped my hand in a rainbow arc before me, and as I did, the ocean water rose into the same arc blocking the powerful flame.

"Didn't you hear me? This is my territory. I'm basically in control of any and all forms of water here!" I shouted.

Apollo didn't seem to care as he constantly kept throwing powerful flames at me.

I continued to block them with arcs of water, however, I realized this stalemate couldn't last forever.

The water within the ocean may be vast, but it's not endless.

And it takes a great amount of it just to block one ball of fire from him.

At this rate, let's say, one year from now, I'd have at least drained half the ocean dealing with him.

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