Chapter 23: What lies in the Abyss?

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As I was descending further into the darkness of the ocean, I remembered my conversation with that shady god.

He mentioned two ways to become a god.

"The first method is simple, and the most practical. Basically, make all the beings within the ocean put their faith in you." He explained.

It sounded pretty simple, but...

"Sounds easy, right? Unfortunately, a ton of time needs to be taken. Even that big guy from the Abyss couldn't become a god, despite having a cult around him. Do you get it now?~" He continued.

"The only other option you have is to head towards the Abyss." He tried to say it casually, but there was a chilly coldness in his voice. He couldn't help but let out.

"What is in there?" I asked, not knowing how he'd reply.

The answer was simple, but unexpected.

"Fear. Fear is the only thing down there. It's the only thing that could possibly be, at the bottom of the ocean." His voice was didn't have to usually tone to it.

Whatever was down there, was a lot worse than I could probably imagine.

"Well, you'll only become a god if you can even survive a trip down to the bottom floor~ You'll otherwise end up dyin' and being replaced~ Don't worry, we'll take good care of your wives~ We There this guy, Fen-something, he's over in the iciest parts of the world, he's been pretty lazy, refusing to become a god, but if you happen to die, we'll just force 'em too instead. So don't worry, and have fun~"

He rapid spun his words around all before sending me back into my dreams, and causing me to wake up after experiencing what felt like a nightmare.

The rest you already know, and now I'm descending to that very Abyss.

A place I might really not come back from.

I'm not entirely sure what the "Fear" that shitty god mentioned was exactly, but I should still be on guard, just in case.

As I dived deeper into the dark, I completely forgot how much time had passed, until I had not even noticed that the light of the ocean, had completely vanished without a trace.

And it was that moment, that I suddenly realized I was alone, in an unfamiliar environment with no one to guide me.

To say I wasn't scared would be lying, because of course I'd be freaked out, right?

I mean, just picture it. You're in a completely pitch black space with nothing, and no one around you, and only the sounds of potential predators echoing in the depths.

Yeah, even for me, this was pretty damn scary.

I think I might've figured out the "Fear" that shitty god was talking about, he could've been better at explaining things this time.

As I was wondering what to do next, I noticed the strange sound I had been hearing seemingly closer than before, until I turned around to see one giant red gem the size of me, I looked over in the distance and vaguely saw another red gem, seemingly looking at me also.

(Shit. I'm dead) Was all I could think about while my body moved as if on instinct to run away.

Shit, fuck, shit, fuck! Were the two words I couldn't keep from escaping my mouth.

That thing's not just ginormous, it's beyond it!

I could hear more strange noises coming from it as it's body moved slowly along, it wasn't until a few minutes into the chase did I realize some of those strange noises wasn't from it, but from other creatures living in the sea.

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