Chapter 4: Namjoon

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"How much longer will they be?" Yoongi groans. 

I try not to show my disappointment, it will only add fuel to the fire and Yoongi has been burning up from sitting outside all morning. His pale porcelain skin is a bright red. 

"They'll be here, just wait." 

I don't believe my own words. We've definitely been screwed over. 

There are a few stray passengers boarding the Titanic, which means third-class passengers are already drinking champagne. I sigh. "Why don't you go ahead with our stuff and I'll stay behind." It's the least I can do at this point.

Yoongi takes our luggage with a spring in his step and heads off into the crowd boarding for the Titanic, leaving me and my camera alone.

 Well, I couldn't call it my own camera. It's the Daily Advertiser's camera given to me by one of my associates to look after while on this trip. Our job is to take pictures of the ship and interview Captain Smith, as well as the designer of Titanic if we can.

I scan the crowd. Frank and John were supposed to meet us at the dock before we left so all of us could divide the work. Frank would smooth talk his way into conversation with the Captain, John would take the stunning pictures as always, and I supportive.

Every muscle inside me tenses when I hear a loud whistle pierce the crowd's chattering. The gates are closing off to people on the dock. Where the hell is Frank and John?!

Another long whistle. I can't leave Yoongi alone on the ship, and I bought a ticket for myself too! 

Shit. Shit. Shit. I can't stay here. I have to run. I have to move!

I grip the camera in my sweaty hands as I swerve through the crowd. I push people out of my way and nearly slip on my footing. I can see the dock. I'm halfway there when the third whistle blows.

The ship has already begun to set sail, her hull pointing towards a new voyage. The crowd around me shouts goodbye and waves with handkerchiefs in the air. It's a good day for a boat ride. So when I speed past the gatekeeper, he is too stunned to stop me in time. 

"You're mad!" he shouts.

 I believe him. Who else would try to jump on a boat that's already leaving?

 Me. That's who.

Yoongi and the passengers on board appear at the edge of the rail. One woman yelled that I'd die if I jumped, which she's probably right.

I lock eyes with Yoongi and once I know he's ready, throw the camera over the railing. 

Yoongi catches it midair and holds it close as he yells over the crowd that I need to stay there. The thing is, I've never been good at staying still, much less when someone is carrying all of the work that needs to be done. 

Titanic will have her name go down in history, I'll see to it.

I jump, stretching my arms out and grabbing onto the railings. My feet scrape against the smooth paint as I attempt to pull myself up. I can hear Yoongi in the crowd hollering my name. I try to find my voice but am cut off when my footing falters.

I slip and feel my fingers coming undone. My hand goes free, leaving me dangling in the hands of the deep ocean below. I am three fingers away from my death when I feel someone's hand wrap around my own.

My hand is being tugged at by a man with dark curly hair. He's struggling to pull me up but looks at me with confidence. Behind him, I see a shorter man pulling him back and a chain of people lining up behind him.

In seconds I can see over the railings and soon am able to swing my legs over. 

I spill onto the deck and breathe like a fish out of water. The man with curly hair scans his eyes over me before sighing.

"Don't do that again," he pants. "Next time I won't catch you."

I apologize and help him to his feet. The crowd around us starts to disperse and I find Yoongi still holding the camera with a grip that made his knuckles turn a brand new shade of white.

"This is why we can't have nice things!" he glares. "This is why there are signs that say 'don't jump onto the fucking boat'!"

I chuckled and forced the camera from his grasp. "Hey, maybe I'll be on the headline."

"Ooh! You're a journalist?" a voice says. The man who saved my life pushes a stray lock out of his face and extends his hand. "My name is Kim Taehyung, a new actor who will inspire movies from all across the globe! You will be the first lucky interviewer to have the chance of a lifetime to find out all my secrets to the acting industry."

"How do you have any secrets when you're a new actor?" Yoongi objects. The flamboyant man seems to deflate but returns with a secretive smirk.

"It's up to you both to find out."

"Tae, quit bothering them. Let's go," the shorter man says as he takes Taehyung's arm. The two leave as quickly as they arrive. 

When I glance at Yoongi, he lets out a long sigh.

"What? I had to jump or else they wouldn't have seen me and stopped."

Yoongi shakes his head. "Thank God I'm not the Captain. I would have left your ass back home."

"Sure you would," I say. Yoongi huffs and starts walking toward our cabin. He knows I'm a lost cause. But he also knows I'd do anything for my work. 

That's where we meet in the middle. 

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