Chapter 17: Hoseok

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My stomach is in knots. Almost like the rope beside me, all bunched up and coiled. I figured I would get some fresh air above deck, but the waves are making me unbalanced. I can't sit down, though. If I did, I would be more anxious. I hate sitting in one place; I like to be on my feet.

As I contemplate going back inside to my cabin, I spot Taehyung and his floppy hair coming toward me. He waves to me, smiling widely. "Good morning! It's Hoseok, right? Did your family have plenty to eat last night?"

I match his smile. "Yes, everyone is very grateful." Not only that, Mom was shocked to hear someone jumped over tables for us. "Oh! I almost forgot, there was a man looking for you. I think his name was Jung Jungkoo—"

"That would be me," Jungkook says as he steps forward. Between the three of us, he is the best dressed in a white shirt and jacket over top. I wonder how he isn't already a melting already in this heat. "Thanks for your services, Hoseok."

Taehyung glances at Jungkook confused. "You were looking for me?"

I almost miss Jungkook blush before he clears his throat. "Earlier, yes. But now that we're here, I would say all is good." He turns his attention to me and suddenly I feel like I'm out of an inside joke. They stand so close to each other, with no tension at all. Jungkook turns to me. "I am a man at my word. For your troubles, I invite you with me to retrieve a little gift."

I hold up my hands. "You don't have to do this. I didn't find Taehyung in the first place, so there is no need for me to take anything," I say. Jungkook squints at me like he's reading blurry lines. It's the same kind of look he gave when we first met.

"Well, consider my gift as a thank you and a... greeting of sorts," he says as he leads me from the deck upstairs to the entrance of the grand staircase. Taehyung is following behind us, which Jungkook doesn't seem to mind at all.

It's almost as bright as it was outside. The gold and marble pillars make me think of stories Dad would tell me and Ji-woo, stories about rich men who dined with kings all day and never lifted a finger for the rest of their lives. I find myself becoming sentimental and shake away the memories.

We travel down a narrow hallway similar to the one that leads to my cabin, except this hallway has green carpet that my shoes mess up as soon as I take a step inside. I'll need to clean that later.

Jungkook stops at a door on the far right and leads us inside. Inside the room are two beds big enough to hold four people, a table and chair, and a set of doors leading to another part of the room. The walls are dark wood, complete with overhead lamps and a window peering out to the ocean.

"You two can close your mouths now," Jungkook says when I realize Taehyung is also in shock. Jungkook disappears for a second, then returns with a pair of gold earrings in his palm. "Before you ask, I am not a stalker, but I did notice you have a little sister with you," he places the earrings in my hand, "and I thought these would be a nice gift."

My hand shakes as I stare at the jewelry. I feel like my hand is going to rust the gold. "I can't accept this," I plead. "It's too much and probably too valuable for me to carry around."

Jungkook shrugs. "It's only thirteen million."

I jump as Taehyung parrots Jungkook's words in a much higher and louder tone. "You just happen to be carrying this on board with you?!"

Jungkook remained neutral as he nods slowly, then pauses. "Well, this isn't actually mine."

"That's Lady Eleanor's!" a voice rises from the door. A taller man stands in the doorway. I instantly recognize the man as Kim Seokjin. He points at the earrings in my palms. "Those don't belong to you." he then notices Taehyung standing frozen in fear. His dark brown eyes grow wide. "Jungkook, what is the meaning of this? Who are these people? Why are they in our cabin?"

Jungkook lets out a huff. "Would you mind calming down before you blow a hole in the ship?" Seokjin scowls but waits for Jungkook to explain. "Guys, this is my brother Kim Seokjin, as you might have heard. Seokjin, this is Kim Taehyung and Jeon Hoseok. I invited them inside to give Hoseok something small for his troubles in helping me find Taehyung."

Seokjin frowns. "While that's nice you have friends, I still see Lady Eleanor's earrings in someone's hand that should not  be there."

I nervously extend my hand out. I can't take them, not when they already belong to a woman. I probably shouldn't have come anyway. Seokjin is glaring at me like I purposely stole them when all I want is to go back upstairs.

"She won't even notice they're gone," Jungkook argues.

Seokjin seethes. "You are in no position to give away gifts, much less from Lady Eleanor's."

Before Jungkook could argue back, a voice broke through. It was of an older gentleman with someone else, deep in discussion. The four of us froze as they kept walking closer.

"Father!" Seokjin whispered to Jungkook, who looked less terrified. He crept to the other side of the room, slipping through the two doors connecting. Jungkook motioned for us to follow quietly. Seokjin was the only one who stood baffled.

Jungkook gestured for him to run and after a quick glance behind him, Seokjin bolted for us. Jungkook carefully closed the door behind him, then led the four of us through the room where another giant bed sat in the corner.

"We should leave before they find out we're in here," Taehyung whispers to me. Seokjin and Jungkook are still having an argument through glares and gestures when we spot a door and peek outside.

"It leads back to the hallway," I tell Taehyung. I wait until there's no one walking past to signal to Taehyung. He steps outside with a mischievous grin as he covers his mouth. 

I nudge his arm to stop him from revealing our cover when somebody shouts. "Thieves!"

The earrings in my palm stick out in my third-class hand. I hide them in a fist, but it's already too late. A commotion is starting and guests are checking out what all the fuss is about. Adrenaline shoots through my core, but my feet have grown roots on the carpet.

A man pokes his head out the door behind us. It's a butler. "Seokjin? Jungkook? What the hell are you doing?" his head swivels to my hand and his eyes grow wide. "Did you steal—"

"RUN!" someone shouts.

And that's all it takes for me to sprint down the halls.

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