Chapter 25: Jimin

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 I peek behind the curtain. The usual guests have arrived, with a few new ones that are obviously skeptical. The story of Taehyung skipping across tables has circled the entire ship by now. I spot Captain Smith, who is dining with someone different from Kim Nam-Jung. He's an older man with a bushy mustache. Sitting at a table near the back, I find Kim Nam-Jung with Seokjin and Jungkook, along with Namjoon.

Kim Nam-Jung is talking with Namjoon and Seokjin, but his eyes are unblinking. Over the chatter, I can't make out any words. I wonder if he's angry at his sons for sneaking around his back. I wonder if Seokjin or Jungkook would tell him about the rest of us. Judging from the way Namjoon keeps shifting in his seat, I have a bad feeling they have already said too much.

At least the brother's faces are cleaned. I was afraid the purple that welled under their eyes would cause panic. I wonder how badly they are hurt. I have replayed that fight in my head over and over again, each time wishing I had stepped in to stop them instead of screaming.

I should know by now that screaming does nothing.

Yoongi is setting up his sheet music on the piano when he meets my eyes. He must have noticed something was off because he abandons the piano to join me behind the curtain. "You don't have to be nervous," he says. "If practicing this morning for three hours doesn't help, then you'll need to hire a professional musician."

"I thought you were the professional."

He laughs shortly. "I'm the guy who was hired by a friend. I wasn't their first choice, I'm sure."

I try to laugh, but I'm too preoccupied. The Captain is here once again, along with Kim Nam-Jung. If either of them were to know of the grand escape all of us were pulling, I can kiss New York City goodbye.

Yoongi is quiet for a moment until he leaves without warning. I'm left by myself when I notice him come back with two glasses of champagne in his hands. The drinks paired with the black suit he wore made him look more and more handsome each night. During our practice, he usually is dressed down. Casual, yet still handsome.

He hands me a glass.

"I thought you liked the stronger stuff," I say.

Yoongi smirks. "I'd be on the floor if I drank what I like."

"So why do you drink?"

He shakes his head. "I won't put a damper on tonight, especially when we're almost ready to start."

I can't help but frown. "So mysterious. Will you ever tell me anything about yourself?"

"I used to pretend I could see ghosts to freak out my friends."

I laugh. Yoongi mimics my laugh, which makes me laugh harder. He clinks my glass and takes a sip of his drink. I do the same, tasting the sweet liquid bubble on my tongue.

Yoongi sighs. "You can't even handle champagne."

I want to ask what he means, but he moves his hand up to my face. The tips of his fingers brush against my lip, wiping off some leftover champagne. I flush at his touch.

"Thank you," I say quickly.

Yoongi only nods, but I can tell he wants to say more.

We are interrupted when Wallace—the violinist—pokes his head through the curtain and hisses at us to get into position. For a moment I almost forgot we had a performance to give. Yoongi seems to have thought the same as he hesitates on what to do with the champagne.

I tilt my head back and drink it all in one shot. My throat is coated; hopefully, it won't mess with my singing tonight.

I catch Yoongi staring at me with a mixture of wonder and concern. I give him a smirk that matches his own and walk toward the microphone. He returns to his piano and when he gives me a nod, I give the signal for the curtain to be released.

The spotlight blinds me more than it should. I squint, but keep my head up and begin to sing along with Yoongi. As the piano plays its sweet, upbeat tunes, I feel everything but fine. My head pounds in my skull. I had no fever before this. Where did this headache come from so suddenly?

I grip the microphone as I try to sing more. It becomes more difficult for me to look from one side of the dining room to the other. My eyes are too fast for my head to keep up. I have to focus on one side for now.

My chest feels like I'm breathing on a cactus. With every note, I brace for impact and continue to sing more. I sense the guests staring at me and I'm right. The Captain is staring at me with distress. I avoid his eyes, falling back on Yoongi. He has the same expression— if anything more worried.

I hear my voice cracking with every note. I made it all the way up until Yoongi could take over before I stopped. I feel like a failure, but the pain has overtaken my guilty thoughts.

The floor sways underneath me. I hear the guests murmur and the piano stop suddenly.

My body heaves and sways more. I can barely hold my eyes open.


I fall to the ground. My head hits the floor. I see Yoongi's shoes running to me before I see nothing but black. 

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