Author's Note

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If you're reading this, that means you've gotten to the end. Give yourself a pat on the back because you managed to complete the entire fanfic! Go you!

Yes, in the grand scheme of things, this was just a fanfic. It shouldn't hold much value, but it does for me. I'm very grateful that you took the time to read this. I spent a lot of time on this with the basic goal of having someone somewhere in the world read what I make. I know the characters are very real K-pop idols, so they mean the world to me even without fancy writing. They are real people, and I'm very grateful to have found BTS.

I also put in a lot of time researching events of the tragic disaster with the sinking of the Titanic. This fanfic was not meant to glamorize the incident, but rather bring awareness to the story. According to recent studies, most, if not all the wreckage from the Titanic will be lost at sea forever very soon. 

I want to keep the story alive, as it is a true event that happened more than 100 years ago. Soon, new generations will never be able to hear the actual stories or see the real ship in the Atlantic Ocean. Time does not stop or slow for anyone, so I wrote something that could be preserved in light of what we are losing.

As an individual who studied the Titanic's history, I recommend readers to explore with some of their own research. There are museums dedicated to the history of the Titanic, as well as countless documentaries referring to the specific details. You can never learn too much.

Now, I would like to give some credit where it is due. I will start with the Titanic Museum located in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I was fourteen when I entered that building and have never experienced such a newfound respect in all my life. That visit changed my way of thinking and ultimately was the structure for my fascination with the Titanic. Thank you for showing me what happened in their eyes, museum.

 I want to also thank my family. To my sister, who loved BTS just as much as me, but never admitted to it (you were definitely dancing to Bapsae). To my dad, who put up with my BTS obsession and wishes to live alone in a swamp writing stories. And to my mom, who was more BTS-obsessed than me. Mom, I hope this is to your liking because you practically directed all the Taekook scenes.

I truly do appreciate each and every one of you.

Thank you for reading.

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