Chapter 7: Jungkook

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"Sit down, boy!" Kim Nam-Jung shouts, but I'm already out the door before he can yell any more orders. 

I have no idea who he is, but the chances of the same man I drew earlier today turning out to trash the ice sculpture and sending everyone in a panic cannot be a coincidence. Maybe it was the way he effortlessly slid in and out like a runaway dog, or maybe it was his daring, reckless look he had before leaving everyone shocked. Whatever the reason, I dart after him.

My footsteps are lost in the cries of confusion. I sprint easily past the crowd lining up at the doors and pause just for a second until I feel my arm being pulled. Seokjin stands over me with a hard grip on my arm.

"What on earth are you doing?" he hisses. God, he can't even bring himself to curse.

"Let go of me!" I shout. I can practically feel his anger. He hates making a scene and tonight is unfolding into a scene right before his eyes, and I am a part of it. I can't say that I'm not fully sorry for it turning out like that.

"Get back to Father, now." Seokjin seethes. He attempts to drag me back, but I plant my feet.

"Get back to what? Judgmental faces that don't give two fucks about me or you?"


I rip my arm from his grip and run before he can catch me again. I run with the wind whipping my hair. My heart is beating out of my chest. The air I inhale is cold and it stings, but I welcome the pain.

I run until I reach the end of the ship. I haven't been followed. On a cold night like this, hardly anyone walks out this late. The deck is eerily silent, with only the ocean crashing against the hull of the ship. The saltiness of the sea burns my nostrils as I inhale and step closer to the railing. This might be one of the few times I've felt a sense of tranquility.

I dare myself to lean forward. The water is black, save for a patch of moonlight above that reflects on the water. It's beautiful and terrifying to think of what lies below us. 

Beautiful to think of another world.

Terrifying to think that we know so little of it.

I don't even realize I have my foot on the rail until I feel the unbalanced pressure. One foot on the polished floor and the other on the rusted rail. What if I did jump? Who would really miss me? Who would make the time to place a stone in the ground for me?

The idea keeps growing like a seed and soon my mind is flooded with images. My body being found. Seokjin shedding tears at the funeral held for me. Kim Nam-Jung not giving a shit about me, probably forgetting what my name is until he reads the plaque.

Then I hear someone yelling. Footsteps are approaching from behind. I turn and freeze. It's the guy who wrecked the ice sculpture. 

"Hey---just---just take it easy---" He puts his hands in the air and slowly steps towards me. His eyes are wide, staring at me with worry. He surprises me by looking at my hand on the rail and back at me. "Please, think about what you're doing."

I give him a sideways glance. "What are you talking about?"

The man swallows. "I don't know who you are, but things will get better. They always do." His cheeks are flushed. I can't tell if it's from the cold or because he's genuinely worried I might end my life by jumping. 

I sigh. "Look, I wasn't---"

Then my foot slips.

I let out a scream before feeling my hand being caught. The man grunts as he tries to lift me up. Below me, I hear the ocean roaring, threatening to tug me under. I latch myself to the man, unwilling to let go.

I use my other hand to prop myself onto the rail and flip myself over. In a single motion, both the man and I topple over the rail back onto the deck. We crash in a panting mess, sprawled out on the deck floor. 

"Damn, what is with people trying to die today?" The man gives a short, humorous laugh. "I'll be on the cover of the papers for sure!"

"Excuse me? I didn't do that on purpose."

The man chuckles. "I never said you meant to do it. I was just saying that it's odd that I've saved two people already. If my name isn't on a golden metal by now, I'd say this is rigged."

I scoff. "You think this is funny? I almost died."

"But you didn't. Why? Because of me." The man suddenly bowed, a smirk forming on his face. "You're welcome."

I roll my eyes. I can't believe this guy was who I was chasing after. He really is insane. I thought of him to be intriguing at first. The way he looked at me was as if he held a secret; now all he holds is an inside joke of sorts. One that I did not sign up for.

"Thank you for saving me, but I should go now."

"Are you sure you can be trusted to be on your own?" The man asks with his hands up acting all innocent. "I mean, you were about to jump over the edge and would have died if I hadn't rescued you."

When was the last time I was like this? A delaying mess that couldn't get a word out. I'm always the one with the last word. It was like this man was taking every word I knew and twisting them into his own. He had the upper hand, but what game was he even playing?

"I'm fine."

"I don't believe you."

Suddenly the man snaps his fingers, I jump at the sound. "Wait! You're the guy from the dining room! I jumped on your table!" he laughs like he's reminiscing a memory from his school days. "Hey, thanks for not being a dick and knocking the table over."

I wonder if I'm dreaming. Is he actually saying all of this? No one can be this...flighty. His conversation—if you can call it that—is bouncing all over like a puppy. I can't tell if he's still talking with me until he glances up at me.

"You're also the guy who stared at me earlier." His eyes are relaxed now, studying me clearly. I feel his gaze on my body and freeze. No one has stared like this at me. The most I get is a quick glance. "You were drawing me, weren't you?"

There's no point in lying. He looks like the type who can pick out a lie even in a complete stranger. "Yes, when you first arrived."

He hums. Was he surprised that I answered honestly or surprised I was drawing him? The man gives a small smile. "I was hoping I was a good model for you."

I feel my cheeks flush until the man glances over my shoulder. Behind me, the crystal dining room is being cleared out and guests exit with much chatter. I wonder if Kim Nam-Jung and Seokjin are still there or if they returned to the suite and called it a night.

"I want to see that drawing when it's done, okay?" The man says as he walks past me.

I jog next to him. "I can't draw without a model in front of me. Besides, I don't even know your name, so I wouldn't be able to find you."

The man smirks. "Your rescuer's name is Kim Taehyung."

"I'm Jung Jungkook," I say quickly. "And you're not  my rescuer."

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