Chapter 12: Namjoon

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I tug at the end of my sleeve, well, technically it's Yoongi's sleeve. If I knew I would be dining with a wealthy family on my trip I would have reconsidered my wardrobe which had the bare minimal. I'll thank him after I get back.

I'm not too early, I don't think. The doors to the crystal dining room have opened, but I'm not sure if I should reserve a table, or if a table has already been reserved. It's only been about ten minutes of me waiting awkwardly. I've already started a small pool of yarn from a stray thread. Again, I'll thank Yoongi after.

My eyes glance up just in time to see Kim Nam-Jung joined by Captain Smith. The two of them are indulging in some sort of business talk by the looks of their concentration. Kim Nam-Jung pauses mid sentences as soon as he spots me.

"Well, if it isn't Kim Namjoon," he says, not hiding the surprise in his voice. I try not to take it to heart as we shake hands. "We have extra company coming if that is acceptable."

I give a wide smile, no teeth. "Excellent, sir."

Kim Nam-Jung escorts Captain Smith inside, sliding past me as if I was nothing more than dust on the wall. I've seen that look many times before. A look that says why are you here? There's nothing to gain other than critique. In a sense, they're right. But critique is just an opinion.

"Hello," a voice that I've come to recognize says behind me. I turn to see Seokjin. He smiles politely and I'm almost certain I see his ears turning a shade of pink. "Have they already gone inside?"

"Yes, although I think they forgot two of their guests," I laugh. It's one of the fake laughs I have been practicing. Seokjin raises an eyebrow before suggesting we head inside as well. I follow behind as he leads us to a table in the back of the crystal dining room.

At the table sits Kim Nam-Jung with Captain Smith beside him---naturally---, a younger boy with dark hair combed down the middle and a menacing glare to match, and a gentleman smoking a cigar.

"Ah, Aster, have you met my sons?" Kim Nam-Jung asks the gentleman. "This is Seokjin and Jung Jungkook, my two most prized possessions on this ship."

I disguise my reaction with a sip of champagne. Kim Nam-Jung gives both his sons a look of affection, his eyes and smile matching with pride. I cannot remember a time when my own father looked at me like that. Dad was always working day and night, leaving me on my own terms. Little things such as this still get to me, it seems.

"Your third son is upstairs," Jungkook mumbles. Kim Nam-Jung ignores him, but not without giving a glare that lasts for half a second.

"Captain Smith," Seokjin interrupts, "I would love to hear about the ship. Tell us how long it took to build. Is it true she's known as The Unsinkable?"

The Captain finishes the remains of his champagne. "Yes, Titanic features many experiences for guests to enjoy and sights to view. She offers a library, swimming pool, and a darkroom specially crafted for developing pictures." He glances at me with a knowing look. "Perfect for your profession, Mr. Kim Namjoon."

I nod. Before Captain Smith can say any more, Kim Nam-Jung turns his attention toward us.

"Yes, and I must add it really is a pleasure knowing someone so...young can be a journalist for the New York Times," he chuckles. "Who knew how much the world is changing. Anyone can be a journalist now!"

Seokjin clears his throat. "Father, perhaps you wouldn't mind introducing us to our guest?" he gestures to the gentleman.

"Oh, my apologies, Seokjin," the man sits up straighter. "I'm Aster Johnsson, owner of Marcel's Jewelry, though before that I worked as a pharmacist in a small drug store." he puffed on his cigar again, his teeth stained yellow. "It was interesting working there. The good news was that I always had what I needed to stifle any coughs. Then later on, your father and I met at one of his art galleries where I bought one of his paintings that, believe it or not, brings in most of my customers."

"Which painting is it, sir?" I ask.

Mr. Johnsson pauses, then laughs it off. "I don't recall. You would think I'd know the exact measurements after three years of staring at it." He conducts a line of laughter across the table, even Jungkook lets out a smirk. "Still, I am grateful for it. The diamond in the painting is done so realistically, I've been known to walk into the damn thing from time to time."

"Aster, that gift was made especially for you," Kim Nam-Jung says. "The diamond is modeled after the real thing, you see. It's known as the Hope Diamond, the rarest jewel in America. I've only seen it once with my very eyes and wanted you, as well as all your customers, to witness what value a diamond can really bring."

What a fortune that must be. 

Kim Nam-Jung has only seen this diamond once and doesn't have it in his hands? I can't help but picture that as near impossible. He's materialistic, yet he tells of the Hope Diamond like it's a ghost story.

I glance to the right of me where Seokjin is fiddling with the table cloth. His eyes are cast down like he knows something. Does it have to do with the Hope Diamond? Does he know something that the others don't? The more I stay at this table the more I feel like an outsider looking in. 

Everyone has a secret. 

Everyone is keeping something inside.

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