Chapter 9: Hoseok

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The next morning, as the sky clears, I rise early to work. 

It's peaceful on the forecastle deck, with a few passengers admiring the wondrous view of the ocean. Most have flocked into the lounges and dining room for breakfast, which is a shame. They will all miss something incredible.

I take my time gathering glasses from last night. After the scene Kim Taehyung made, everyone retired to bed immediately. I should be thankful for his bravery in fetching food for my sister, no one has ever been that reckless. Still, I would have expected him to understand the risks. Why would a complete stranger help a cabin boy in the first place? 

"I'll take those." a voice startles me. I jump, then realize it's Victor. In the morning sun, I'm surprised to see bags under his eyes. It appears as if he hasn't slept at all. Today he is dressed in a dapper suit and tie, with thoroughly combed hair.

Victor stacks the glasses and places them on a tray. "I have to say," Victor says slowly. His dark blue eyes focus on the uniform I'm wearing, a button up white shirt and brown pants. "I didn't expect you to last this long. Forgive me if I'm too forward, but I would have thought you'd end up like the other shrimps and be thrown overboard by now."

I shrug. "It wasn't easy making friends with the crew on the first day."

"I bet." Victor nods. His movement is slow, and his words are thought before they are spoken. I respect that. Most first-class passengers do not bother with thinking before their words have already done most of the damage. 

"Is anyone giving you trouble so far?" Victor asks. "I get as a new guy, it's hard to learn the ropes  when everyone else already has it figured out. If you need anything, come get me."

I smile. "Thanks. I'm familiar with most of the ship, but I'll remember your offer."

"You walk around at night. At the same time as me." Victor shifts the tray in his arms. "So we have insomnia in common."

So we do. Sharing a flaw that ultimately destroys my sleeping patterns with someone feels oddly reassuring, like I'm not the only one that has voices in my head. With Victor, I feel easier knowing someone as calm as him can have demons too. 

"If I see you wandering tonight, would it be so bad to offer a game of cards?" I say smiling.

Victor's eyebrows raise just the slightest. "Let's see if you know how to play."

He waves goodbye and takes the tray as quietly as he came. I'm impressed at how diligently he works and how gracefully he weaves past passengers. If it wasn't for his shoes clicking against the wood of the deck, you would have never known he was there. 

I turn back to the deck and bask in the sunlight like a snake. This may be my only chance to take in the view, and I am not going to give it up just yet. 

I don't even realize I'm stepping backward until it's too late. I back up into a boy in a tweed jacket, though he looks a bit old to be wearing one. He holds a bundle of food piled in his hands, some of it has smeared into his white shirt.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim. I can practically see the stain on his shirt and the beating I'll get when the other workers find out what I did.

The man shrugs. "I hated this shirt anyway. Here, will you hold these?" he gives me two of everything: two plates of toast, eggs, and cups of sliced fruit. The food smells heavenly and it takes a lot more than I thought to not run away with the plates.

"Thanks—hold on, I know you. Did you see a man in a blue coat last night? Did he give you anything?"

I pause. Aside from last night's fiasco there weren't any memorable faces. Perhaps he's referring to the scandal who started it all. "Yes, I believe he introduced himself as Kim Taehyung."

The man stares at me intensely, as if I have all the answers in the universe. "Have you seen him since? Crossed paths with him this morning, perhaps?"

If it weren't for the plates in his hands, he would be standing right on top of me. He's already so close, standing at an angle with his neck stuck out. Whoever Kim Taehyung is, he must think of him with great importance.

"No, I haven't seen him. I can look for him if you'd like me to."

The man reels back and stands back. I slowly come back from bending backward. He avoids my gaze for a moment before nodding. "Yes, find him for me. I'll pay you. If you see him before I do, tell him Jung Jungkook requires an audience with him."

"I'm assuming you are Jung Jungkook?" I ask awkwardly.

He raises an eyebrow at me for a second before nodding again, this time slower. "Yes, I'm Jung Jungkook...and your name is...?"

"It's Jeon Hoseok," I smile and extend my hand. 

The man looks uncertain, his eyes darting from my hand to my eyes.

"Yes, well, remember to deliver the message. If you can't find him, return to me and I'll still give you something for your troubles."

Jungkook leaves with his two plates in hand and I am left with my thoughts. Was I missing something? Was he important?

Well, I guess not. He's not the captain, after all.

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