Chapter 33: Seokjin

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He should have yelled at me, or even hit me. It would have been easier than sending me to my cabin without any explanation. He saw the diamond, I know he did, but why would Father do nothing to me? I was the one who betrayed him, shielding Ji-woo like that. Hoseok ran with her and got away, I think. So why was I the one in a waiting cell?

I consider jumping out the window, it's pitch black to see how far the drop is, when I hear the lock to the door click. I'm sitting in mere seconds, my attention focused on looking the most normal a person can look.

"Oh, Mr. Johnsson," I say surprised. Aster Johnsson stands at the door, surprised to see me as well. He cracks a smile and greets me, but I don't have time to listen. I dart toward him. "Hold the door open, sir! I have to get through!"

Aster Johnsson stays put, crossing his arms. I can see workers running around outside. Even in the darkness, I find their faces to be disturbed. Something is happening out there. Something horribly wrong.

"Don't worry, boy," he says casually. "I'm here to keep you company, per the request of your father."

Of course he would send Aster Johnsson as a babysitter.

"Sir, please let me through. I need to find where Jungkook went." It's not a complete lie, but after Hoseok ran, Jungkook was the second to disappear from Father's line of sight. I wish I could run away just as easily.

Aster Johnsson shakes his head, then shuts the door behind him. My plans of escaping have been foiled, no thanks to the man who takes a seat in front of me on Father's bed. Aster Johnsson makes himself comfortable by puffing on a cigar. I've never seen him sit this comfortably in my Father's cabin. He even knew exactly where we kept the cigars.

"It's been a crazy day for you, hasn't it?" Aster Johnsson says after another puff. "You can't even sit through dinner without having someone fall out on you," he laughs.

"Yes, that was...interesting." I notice how his laughter is different from dinner. Something in his tone is off, like he's not trying to fake-laugh. This laugh isn't forced, but it is the furthest from joyful.

"You know, that wasn't supposed to happen," Aster Johnsson finally says.

"Well, yes," I say. "Jimin never intended on fainting."

"And I never intended on giving him that drink."

Aster Johnsson stands, putting the cigar out in the ashtray. As he stalks toward me, his eyes linger around the room, taking in every detail. "Actually, that drink was meant for you. It's a pity I never got to see what your reaction would have been. After all, I spent so much time planning, I was sure everything was going to work." He turns to me and I feel my stomach sink. "But that's life: nothing comes easily. We must learn to adapt with what we are given."

"What...What are you talking about?"

"You were supposed to be my bait for Kim Nam-Jung. You still are, but in a different way." He then slipped a hand behind his back, raising his jacket just enough for me to spot something shiny and metal in his pocket. "This can be used, though I personally would prefer to have my hands clean."

My breathing hitches. I can barely hear him. My eyes focus on the gun, and I'm frozen in place. This feels like a dream, or rather, a nightmare. I force myself to speak, "What d-do you w-want?"

Aster Johnsson slowly takes out the gun and examines it. He runs a gloved hand over the barrel and glances up at me. "I have already got what I need," he says, "what I want is something that is missing. As we speak someone could have hidden it right under our noses."

Oh, God.

"Yes, the Hope Diamond has been stolen," Aster Johnsson sighs. He examines the gun and lazily points the barrel at my face. I could blink and I'd be dead in less than three seconds. He steps closer to me, in a loose movement. "That should have been me. Funny how life works, isn't it?"

Is it too late to run? The door is closed, but it's not locked like the second door. No, I wouldn't be fast enough to outrun a bullet. Is the option to jump out the window still open?

Aster Johnsson must suspect me because he extends his arm, gun raised right between my eyes. I can imagine my life ending without my approval. I imagine the gunshot ringing in my ears as the last sound I hear. Then I hear Ji-woo. Her life would end without her approval. Her last sound she hears would be gunshots.

I cannot let him know that she has the diamond. He would kill her, and I would be the one calling the execution.

"Well, where is it?" Aster Johnsson hisses. "You know where it is. I bet your simpleton reporter hatched a plan with your weak mind to steal from your father. Although, you have the moral backbone of a snowflake. It's foolish of me to consider you to betray your father."

My anger flares. "Don't bring Namjoon into this."

"Then tell me where the diamond is. This bullet doesn't have to go through you, after all."

"You don't have to use the gun."

Aster Johnsson tilts his head up. He seems impressed, but does not show it easily. Instead, he rolls his eyes. "This has gone on for too long. Tell me where it is. Now."

Then the door bursts open.

I hear the gunshots, but feel nothing pierce my skin. I feel someone grab my hand and shout at me to run. I know that voice. I know his face, and I'm momentarily thrilled he's here before I realize he has an equal chance of dying with me.

"RUN!" Namjoon shouts at me. I'm pushed in front of him as we sprint past Aster Johnsson, who curses and aims right at us. The bullets fly and hit an inch from where I was. I have to keep running in case I turn around to check on Namjoon and get shot myself.

Behind me, the door is slammed shut, Namjoon pressing himself against it. As if that will stop bullets from shooting through.

"This way!" I shout. The hallway is narrow, but it will lead out to the deck, where I can hopefully find Hoseok and his sister before Father does. But my plan backfires when a crowd of workers and guests all run toward the same exit. The cluster is so chaotic that I end up separated from Namjoon.

"Seokjin!" He cries. "Hang on, I'm coming!"

Then the ship lurches without warning. The floor beneath my feet is...shifting. Suddenly I'm holding onto the rail as my only way to stand straight. The crowd ahead still attempts to flee, but they are as trapped as I am.

"Look out!" Namjoon screams.

A gunshot goes off. The crowd is silent for a second, then erupts in screams of their own.

I spot Namjoon and before I can say anything more, he's pulling me away from the crowd, opposite of where they came. We reach the bottom of the stairway and stop.

Water has flooded the entire downstairs. 

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