Chapter 39: Taehyung

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It was strange seeing everyone in a panic. Just three days ago, the same people were dining on the decks and stuffing their faces with lobster while I was watching Jimin perform for the first time in months. It seems so long ago.

Now I can't find Jimin, nor Hoseok. I know Jungkook said we would find them, and I wanted to believe him. I really did. But I couldn't shake the feeling that we were too late. I tried not to imagine Jimin's body floating somewhere beneath our feet as I ran with Jungkook, Namjoon, and Seokjin.

After realizing there were other lifeboats, we ran around the ship to the other side- starboard, I think is what they call it. I try not to slow us down with my limp, but fall behind anyway. With my left eye blurry from Aster Johnsson's fist, it is difficult to see in the darkness.

Jungkook is right at my side, dragging me behind him as he did once before. The memory gives me a spark of joy and I quicken my steps.

Ahead, Namjoon and Seokjin freeze. They stare in front of them at something, or someone, intensely. Through the crowd of panicked passengers, I cannot see what they see. I stand on the tip of my toes for half a second before falling back down.

"What is it?" Jungkook barks.

"It's Hoseok!" Seokjin exclaims, "And Jimin!"

My heart leaps. I push past everyone in my way until I spot him. Jimin is soaked from head to toe, with his shirt unbuttoned. Dark bruises litter his pale skin. His face is red, like he has been crying for centuries.

Hoseok carries a little girl in his arms, and I instantly recognize her to be the famous Ji-woo that cost my dinners for a roll. I wish to have met her before the chaos so I could properly introduce myself. Maybe we'll be able to chat once everyone is safe.

"Why did you run off like that?" Seokjin asks Hoseok. "You scared me when we couldn't find you."

Hoseok pauses. His eyes shift between Seokjin and Ji-woo. "I thought I could save someone," he says softly, "but I did save Jimin."

On the contrary, Jimin's expression is lifeless.

"What happened?" Namjoon says sympathetically.

Jimin remains quiet and tilts his head down, but I notice small tears falling down his cheeks. He is always like this, and I hate it. No matter how severe the situation, he will always deal with it himself. Even when I found out about his secret, Jimin never confided in me. At first I would pester him for answers until eventually I gave up. Back then, all I could do was pat him on the back and comfort him.

I expect his reaction to be the same, but it's not. "Yoongi...tried to-to save me..." his voice breaks. "And I-I couldn't save him."

I watch as Jimin practically crumbles to dust. I'm quick to pick him back up again, though my leg burns as I do. My pain doesn't compare to Jimin's. A broken leg does nothing when compared to a broken heart. I've seen relationships, if you can call that, come and go with Jimin. But I knew what he had with Yoongi was special, even if it was for a few days. Sometimes that's all it takes.

"Yoongi's gone?" Namjoon whispers. He is cradled by Seokjin as he weeps silently.

Wordlessly, Jungkook steps closer to me and reaches for the notebook that hangs out Aster Johnsson's jacket I stole. Beside me, Jimin pauses when Jungkook presents him with the leather bound notebook. "He'd want you to have it."

Jimin takes the notebook in his shaking hands and rasps out a "thank you" before shriveling back up.

I'm about to pat Jimin's head as I always do, but stop when the ship violently shakes. Unlike the other times, this one lasts longer. The funnels above us rattle terribly, making my nerves jump. Instinctively, we all huddle together.

"Hold on!" Hoseok screams.

A gun goes off, piercing the night.

I expect an officer to be the culprit, but none are armed. That's when I notice a passenger with a handlebar mustache and a life jacket that puffs around his fat neck. Aster Johnsson shoves people out of his way with one hand while waving the gun with the other. I consider making a run for it when he sees me, then the others.

"What does it take for you all to die?" he says. Aster Johnsson raises the gun and aims it at Seokjin. "Let's finish what we started!"

"No!" Jungkook shrieks.

In the distance, a man screams. I barely have time to register what is happening until the floor splits between all of us. It's so sudden, even Aster Johnsson is caught off guard. Patches of wood burst up, then the entire floor separates, opening a cave under our feet.

Jungkook pushes me back, but I lose Jimin. He and Hoseok jump to the other side, where Aster Johnsson clings to the railing. He growls and raises his gun once more. "I will not go down with this ship!"

The gun is fired. Without thinking, I leap in front of Seokjin. I'm afraid I'm too late until I feel pain shoot through my shoulder. I curse and land with Seokjin and Namjoon. The three of us fall, but not before I watch Aster Johnsson misjudge his step.

He falls backwards, into the gaping hole. And then he's gone.

On the other side, Jimin, Hoseok, and Ji-woo hold on to the railing. But that's not enough. They crash into other passengers that slide down. I cry as I watch them fall to the edge and into the dark waters.

"Tae!" Jungkook yells. He grabs my arm and shoves me in front of him into the rails. "Climb!"

Through my tears, I do as he says and climbs. The ship is angled vertically. Everything that is not hammered down goes flying in our direction. I duck my head to avoid falling plates and deck chairs. My shoulder aches along with my leg, but I keep moving up until I finally reach the edge of the railing. Jungkook is behind me, and he holds me against him. Some of my blood rubs on his shirt.

"It's going to be cold," he says. "I need you to hold your breath."



Everything happens all at once. I barely have time to hold my breath before water fills in my lungs. My muscles instantly freeze in the ice cold water. Something slams into me and I think it's a deck chair until it grabs me and pulls me under. I swat blindly, but there's nothing I can do. I'm done for.

Then someone grabs my shirt. I'm being pulled up to the surface. When I feel cold air again and can finally breathe, I open my eyes. Jungkook is swimming in front of me. "Are you okay?" he says.

I nod, though it probably looks like I'm just shaking because of the water. "Where's Jimin?"

He remains silent and turns his attention to the ocean. I follow his gaze and feel my heart drop. Thousands of bodies float in the water. It's so dark, I can't tell if they're dead or alive. But the lifeless way they bob in the water suggests the worst. I don't want to believe it, not even for a second. However, it would be a damn miracle if he was still alive.

And a miracle is what we all need.

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